View Full Version : Anxiety

13-09-11, 11:50
Hi, I am so scared don't know what's going on with my mind and body. I am 57 years old and suffering from anxiety, feel dizzy most of the time, anxious, can't eat properly so have lost 9lbs in 3 weeks, had appointment at doctors today for some help but panicked and couldn't leave the house, have now book another one for tomorrow and been told I can wait in my car until the doctor is ready for me to p[revent any stress of sitting in the waiting room. Had a bout of this about 7 years ago when I was put on Seroxat which did eventually helpbut came off it 2 years ago. Have no idea what has started it all up again it's just so frightening!!!

13-09-11, 11:51
Hi Colleenanne

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-09-11, 13:25
Hi colleen
I suddenly was struck down with anxiety this febuary. To be honest although I know for the last 10 years I've been under immense stress, but I didn't know what was happening to me I thought I was going mad. I went from bobbing in and out of town like water of a ducks back to being almost recluse!!!!! For me a few months ago I'd get sooo worked up about going to get my daughter from school and it's literally a 4 minute drive! Absolutly shocking and news to me that anxiety/ stress/panic disorders where like this, it's shocking how debilitating they can be.

Anyway regarding your doctors thing, can completely relate, even though your familiar with stuff once panic takes over , everywhere you venture to go is a challenge. Although generally I'm a lot better, in the school hols I had a blood appointment and just got up one morning stressed I didn't want to go then called my mum up sobbing I NEVER DO THIS. I just started worrying and I haven't been back since I
have anemia which was what got soo bad and then severe stress that contributed to my anxiety, so it's just a check up one BUT still I was so upset.

Also once I thought I had appendicitis and went to the walk in and nurse called me in as soon as she started laying me up and down I could feel myself getting panicky, I told her, she took my bp and shock her head saying it was way tooo high and said GOSH WHATS HAPPEND TO YOU. I had to walk out it was a tiny room and I just lost it...... BUT from a nurse what a funny thing to say? Surely she's studied areas related to stress and it's effects on the body including the onset of panic attack.! I eventually returned to the room and I was thank God fine. Don't get me wrong she was lovely but when I calmed down I thought about what she said and thought what does she think has happened to me like I've been abused or I've done something bad,what a funny thing to say!!!!!!

But yes can completely relate, try and get to docs, good sleep and complan if u can't manage to eat, spoonful of umf honey also.

Takecare X

13-09-11, 23:05
Hello Col,
Try your best to push on to GP because you need to speak to someone who can help you through this!!!!Keep in mind that it's only for a while and it will pass!!!!!

Vanilla Sky
13-09-11, 23:13
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

14-09-11, 14:50
Welcome to NMP.

I joined a few months ago after my anxiety took over and I became pretty much housebound due to fear of panic attacks every time I left the house. What an awful illness anxiety is!

Good luck at the GP. Do you have anyone that can go with you? I really sympathise with you. I hate sitting in the waiting room but the feeling does pass. Have a read on here on the left hand side under symptoms. Wish I'd found this site months before my anxiety reached it's peak as it has helped so much knowing that I am not going mad, my adrenaline and brain are just having a party at my expense.

Let us know how you get on x

14-09-11, 16:21
Absolutely understand what you're going through..I couldnt sit in the waiting room and the receptionist let me stand outside.My anxiety also seemed to come from nowhere and I had all your symptoms..including not eating..I lost nearly a stone and a half. It's hard but if you can,try and eat something,like col says ,complain if u can't face food. Our bodies need to be strong to cope with anxiety cos it is so exhausting.
Small steps..it is an awful illness but we can get better

Good luck x

14-09-11, 17:01

I know what you're going through, I've been battling to get help for quite some time. I keep getting fobbed off by my phsyciatrist. My medication was stopped suddenly as a result of a cardiac arrest, which in itself was freightening. Having survived that, I now have to go through the depressive side again. too much about me. Try to keep calm and control your breathing if possible. maybe take a paper bag with you to breath into. This does help to control your breathing.

Good luck for tomorrow
Thinking of you