View Full Version : coming off citalopram

13-09-11, 14:58
Hi all

I would like to know what is the shortest time you have been on citalopram and then came off them. I dont mean just stopping them, I mean gradually coming off them the right way and how did you feel and manage your axiety/depression?

Cathy xx:shrug:

coming off!
18-09-11, 21:09
Hi Cathy

I have been on citalopram for 6 years and after many failed attempts i am now finally managing to come off them! only with the help of my amazing counsellor (who i had to find privately after being told too many times by my doc just to think of the tablets as a daily vitamin for the brain). every other time i have tried and failed after just a couple of days and almost immediately feeling anxious after missing a day. after maybe 6 weekly sessions with the counsellor i am now onto fortnightly sessions and 10mg tablets every 3 days or so. feeling very positive not had any set backs. a few more weeks and it will be goodbye forever!! i never expected it to be quick but it has been surprisingly easy! xx

18-09-11, 21:18
Hi i think its v hard to come off them, i came off mine in june completely after months of lowering my dose and i felt fantastic but ive just had to go back on them again due to my anxiety and panic attacks coming back :-( i have had alot to deal with the past month so thats played a huge part in me needing cit again, u need to do it very slowly and be 100% sure u dont need them anymore, good luck.
Nicola x

18-09-11, 22:21
Hi thanks for your replys

well I reduced on thursday and oh my god I have been awfull fear panic and all the rest that goes with axiety so I have decided I must stay on them I have been so down you wouldn't believe. They say they're not addictive but i think they are. And if you do come off of them you need help to deal with all the withdrawals.

Cathy xx