View Full Version : One last thing...

13-09-11, 15:58
For the last month or so I (think) ive been suffering from anxiety. It was brought on I believe when I had palpitations and was hospitalised.

Im glad to say, almost all my anxiety has gone and different symptoms, have also dissappeared.

I rarely, ever, get palpitations and have never had a panic attack since.

I just have a question, since my anxiety seems to have dissappeared or become milder, I have developed alot of migraines.

These migraines come on everytime I wake up....gradually get worse, then peak around midday (usually). I take some OTC painkillers such as aspirin, they work or milden the headache after approximately an hour. The headache goes away. Mainly located on the left side of my head, with the odd pain shooting round the right but dissappearing instantly. They vary from the back of my head, and usually effect at the side or near my left eye.

But, theres always a but isnt there? Ive began to have very different sort of "attacks" They seem to be instantly coming on, where the headache will dissappear and I will become dizzy, spaced out, forgetful and tend to produce a lot of unwanted movement of limbs. I have tingling sensations mainly in the back of my head and also get a quick "shiver" as if I had been excited by a song or video for example.

Anyone have any ideas? Im not particularly anxious about it, but just interested more than anything.

Cheers :yesyes:

13-09-11, 17:53
Nobody have any ideas?

13-09-11, 22:25
Hi Paul

Sorry I have no real ideas but I know that anxiety has many guises and this could be another one of them. I often have spells in the day where I have to ask myself "am I real or dreaming this" and am sort of out of my body for a few moments before I come back to reality but this prob is a bit different to what you describe.