View Full Version : weird trigger, anyone else?

13-09-11, 17:22
Hey all,

I am wondering if anyone else has a trigger like the one I have just discovered.. After watching a random film I realised an actor was freaking me out and I had a panic attack. I find him really really unsettling. He is an attractive guy not weird to look at but has an odd voice, almost like its just breaking.. Now I have been fixated with thinking about him I can't get his face out of my head . I an not sure what to do.. Should I think about him and try to work out why he scares me or just put it down to my random anxiety and try and forget.. Thinking about him has me in a constant state of panic!. Have I panicked while watching a film of his or been unsettled by it or have I had a nightmare about him and forgotten?

My friend had the same thing with a film which she to this day sees faces of and scares her.

Anyone else have this or odd triggers they can't understand?



13-09-11, 18:10
I think you are over anylising.
Anxiety will find anything and I mean literally anything to set you off if you are in a delicate way. Your mind will be going "OOO EERM...I'm not anxious! OH DEAR! Find trigger. trigger trigger triggerrrrr...AHA! She thought about that face more than once it must be scary - go into panic mode.
Thinking on another level now, TV is bad for anxiety because you cannot control what you see, unlike a book when you can snap it closed. You see some awful images these days. I, a few months ago, came accross a channel where a girl was being filmed as she was raped by some goths (sorry for being grim), and for a long time afterwards I felt really scared of goths but it went off.
If you don't want to think its just over analysis though, it might just be your mind has to do a "double take" on something to work it out. Once your mind finds a question, it wants to answer it. Say you see an obscure word in a crossword and its in your mind without you realising and just comes out sometimes...it will go when you remember where you saw the word and the mind will let it go.
So advice: don't think about it. Let it sort itself out.