View Full Version : Job nerves

16-05-06, 11:43
Hiya - well I sorta did it - I bottled out of handing my CV in at the one place I wanted to apply to coz it felt wrong somehow - a gut feeling - call it what you will - anyhow I trundled along the road and handed my cv in to two other companies who were not looking for staff but I just boldly walked in and said " Hi - Im looking for part time admin work - may I leave you a copy of my cv - thank you so much - bye"
That may sound gutsy and I feel better I did something but now I feel sick when I think - suppose I have to have an interview - suppose I have to sit in an office that is hot and stuffy with a boss man interviewing me - I will feel sick and dizzy and breathless - help!

16-05-06, 11:56
Aw hunni. Well done for handing in the cv's! Good on ya! Bet you feel a bit better for doing that eh. Hm........I know what you mean when you say you may feel hot and stuffy etc. When I have gone for interviews I sweat and its very embarrassing! All I can say is when you go in for an interview think to yourself it is going to be fine and don't get anxious because thats when you will start to become hot. Wear something thats not too hot aswell. Just be calm and you should be fine hunni. Hope this helps.

x x

16-05-06, 15:20
well done for handing them in! i know what you mean about what if i get an interview do that all the time ..i just think to myself i can leave if i want, dont have to see them ever again! and tend to get through it ..then worry what if i get the job lol it never flipping ends !!! youve been brave and done really well ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))

jools xx

16-05-06, 16:11
Good job done there. I hope you feel proud. Don't get worked up about job interviews yet though. Take things one at a time, otherwise you might get really worked up and then nothing happens, and even if you do get an interview you want to look after yourself as best you can so you are well for the big day. So put aside that negativity and enjoy your achievements.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

marie ross
16-05-06, 16:38
Hi Wenjoy,

Well done, i could'nt of done that!!! Don't worry about having an interview just yet, but just remember even people with no panic disorders, pa's etc, have exactly the same feelings as us, interviews are just horrible things you have to get through and i don't know one person yet who has'nt felt sick, shaky, and just sweated the whole way through one!!!!

Marie XXX

16-05-06, 18:21
Thankyou guys - you are soooo right - I will now try to live in the present and not think about interviews unless I get called in for one. I did a relaxation CD this afternoon when I got back which was great but the effects dont last very long do they!!! Will keep in touch ....... Love Wenjoy x