View Full Version : Confused over panic

13-09-11, 21:35
My last panic attack was last Thursday at work. It was one of the biggest panic attacks ive had. Felt like I was being smothered and was underwater at the same time.

Since then ive felt on edge and my chest is sometimes tight and I have an almost acidic feeling in my stomach constantly. I also feel like im walking on a boat and that nothing is real. I cant seem to stop feeling anxious 24/7 to the point where I can feel panic coming on.

Is this 'normal' for panic? I also havent found a method yet, any suggestions for things to do?

All this is still new to me (about 5 months) but its really getting me down.

17-09-11, 13:05
Hiya, the tightness in your chest and acidic feeling are most likely to be caused by anxiety that you have built up. I use to have this for months when I started with my panic attacks and anxiety (9 years ago ), now after a panic attack I usally just have the feeling for the remainder of the day. I've had loads of ideas thrown at me on how to cope with them. I usually take bach rescue remedy when I feel one coming on. I've also started taking St Johns Wort, a good multi vit and b vits. Yoga and swimming might help too just to realise all those feelings you have. I don't like anti depressents but I did take them in the past for a year when I was at my worst point with anxiety that I was shaking all the time. I've had reiki too, which is really good and would recommend.

I know how hard it is hun, am not completely over it myself, but stay strong and remember there are lots of people feeling the same way as you. Have you got any good friends or family you could speak to about it? I find it really easy now to talk to anyone about my depression , I would rather be more open with people so they know what am going through.

Hugs to you xxx

18-09-11, 07:57
Hey, have you tried diapragmatic (so?) Breathing some times called belly breathing? It haa teally helpes me I do it 4 times a day for 4 minutes and also when i feel anxious it has really helped me. Lie down put your hand over your tummy breath in so that your cheat stays still but your tummy rises breath in to the count of 4 and slowly out to the count of 6.
Hope this helps good luck. Xx

18-09-11, 07:59
sorry just noticed all of the typos, hope you can make sense of it. x