View Full Version : Panick Attacks becoming daily

13-09-11, 22:46
hello eveyone I am a 24 yr old single mother who suffers from really bad anxiety and panick attacks. I use to have them when I was younger but they went away and I was doing really well. Until recently they started happening again but this time is much worst then before. I feel like I can't even go in public without panicking or fear of panicking even thought of panicking or talking about panick brings me to a panick mode. I was really excited when I found this site especially to know that there are other people out there who suffers from the same thing as me. I'm know to the point that I do not eat or drink daily because of my fear of choking. My anxiety and panic has tooken me to a point where I sometimes feeling giving up because I cry everyday and avoid life out of fear of fear. I feel like my problems is taking away from me enjoying time with my son and other family and friends. I would like to get back into dating but can't go out on a date because I don't want to have an axiety attack or choke on my food. I cry constantly because I feel like I'm losing my life. I go to the hospital at least 4 times a month. I have tried many things but nothing has been able to help me I currently take zanax I use to take klonopin and zoloft also but now I only take zanax and it seems as if they are no longer helpful I just ordered a program that I found online by lucinda bassett I hope this will be helpful to me if anyone has ever tried her program and have any feedback I would greatly appreciate it or if anyone who has had similar situations or are currently dealing with similars things I would really appreciate some advice. Although sometimes I feel like giving up I really don't want to but its really hard living life like this everyday

14-09-11, 08:51
sounds like your anxiety needs better control via an ssri like zoloft, celexa or lexapro rather than relying just on the xanax. the xanax may make your anxiety worse over time as your body gets used to having the drug. go see your doctor, but do not just stop taking the xanax, it needs to be stopped very slowly once you have got stable again on more long term meds like zoloft.

14-09-11, 14:25
I started having panic attacks again about 4/5 months ago. They got worse and worse. I became really good at feeding them without realising it. The slightest thing would set them off. I ended up being pretty much housebound for weeks as I was terrified of them. I couldn't go anywhere without having one. Eventually I went to my GP and they prescribed anti depressants and betablockers. I only took the betablockers and they have worked well. I am not cured but I have been able to go back to work today (3 months off on sick). I can drive again, not far as I'm not confident but I'm getting there.

I was so desperate to get better but the panic attacks scared the hell out of me. Things do get better. You just need to be kind to yourself and take things slowly.

I would definately recommend the betablockers as they block the adrenaline that feeds these awful panic attacks. I still have anxiety in my mind but the adrenaline doesn't kick in so I am able to take a step back and fight it. x

14-09-11, 20:49
I would really like to thank y'all for taking the time to respond to my post I really appreciate y'all advice.. also do I have to get the betablockers from a doctor