View Full Version : Body Adjusting To Medcines and Walked My Half Mile Today!

13-09-11, 23:04
Seems im feeling better. Body must be adjusting to meds. Still a few quirks here and there as far as weird feelings but trying to adjust and ignore. Heart stays abit 72-85 mostly around 80. Not sure why but im going to the drs on thurs. So just thought I would mention how I feel for anyone that wants to know. Also gain a pound or. so with better appetitie.

14-09-11, 00:11
Hey :)
My heart rate sitting down right now is 70, It can go up to 180 when I am walking.
Very happy you are starting to feel better, How did you find the walk? A walk always seems to put me a bit of a better mood :)

What are you going to the doctor for? I'm going too on Thursday to complain about my throat for the 1000th time as it's freaking me out still.

14-09-11, 00:27
Was in the hospital for seven days . They found a cyst on my adrenal gland. Maybe you can read my saga in my old post, Sorry its just too long to write here. Thanks for asking you are verykind.

14-09-11, 00:51
Lol I READ all those posts :)
I meant is every thing ok that you are going back to the doctor or do you need to get more tests done.

14-09-11, 01:29
Going to the dr on the 15 th and another dr on the 22 nd. They will tell me when the biopsy will be done.

14-09-11, 01:30
Im sorry Mishel I didnt notice it was you. I guess my mind is going too :)