View Full Version : Feeling trapped in my head

13-09-11, 23:23
Hi guys,
I noticed i had a reoccuring thought one that really distresses me.
The notion of being trapped in my own head , my mind being always active with thoughts i can never escape.
The notion of never being able to escape my own thoughts.
I have a bit of an issue with eyes , thinking about them too much makes me panic , I feel like my mind is just eyes looking out.
it really distresses me , does anyone else get this sensation of being stuck inside ones head.
I dont have any physical anxiety , all of this has been eliminated with citalopram but this persists.
Any tips on how to beat it!
I really did think that this was the deperosnalization persisting but i am not sure !
I had intense DP for 2 months and feel this has really lifted a lot but this thoguht distresses me an ends up in me feeling very depressed.

13-09-11, 23:30
I've only started getting the feeling of being trapped inside my own head in the last 9 months, not sure what started it. At first it was quite scary because as you say there is no way to escape them. When I get them now I try my best to distract myself although I do find it increasingly difficult also when I'm around people I do notice this feeling goes away.

Something that also helps me is to get 3 sheets of A4 paper and write down absolutely everything that is going round in my head, no matter how ridiculous it is. By the time I get to the second sheet I start to struggle and have to actively think of things that are worrying/annoying me/making me angry and I keep going till the 3 pages are covered. I usually notice my thoughts quieten down after this.

Lisa x

14-09-11, 05:29
You may find that you're feeling stressed because you feel trapped by yor worries so as Lisa says, if you write down everything that's troubling you then try to forget them, you're then freeing your mind of the worries that are stressing you.:hugs: