View Full Version : Coming off Propranolol alone..?

14-09-11, 01:07
I'm currently on 40mg Propranolol, 3 tablets a day. I have enough tablets left for 3 tablets a day for the next 15 days and 1 tablet (the last) on the 16th day. I want to come off them as they aren't really doing anything for my anxiety and I just hate being on medication. My plan was to go back to the doctors a few days before the tablets run out so that I can basically say I want to come off them so that I can follow any instructions on weaning off them. Thing is, I detest, and I really mean detest, going to the doctor. So I was wondering, while I know it's probably not doctor recommended, if there would be much difference if I just wean myself off them on my own? I've only been on them since 4th August, 3 tablets a day since then. I was only prescribed a 2 month dose to see how it goes and the doctor who prescribed me them simply said if I have any problems or I'm not happy with them I can "give them a buzz" and we can look at stopping/switching. It's not that long a time and it's my first time on anxiety medication, so I'm not sure it would make much of a difference but I've read that you shouldn't just stop because it can be dangerous.
Has anyone ever came off medication alone? And if so, how? (e.g. 2 tablets instead of 3 for so many days, then 1 or something)
Oh and if you think I really show go to the doctors instead of going it alone, how many days in advance of my tablets finishing should I go? So for example should I leave enough tablets for a full week or something?
Any thoughts appreciated

14-09-11, 01:15
I would never recommend starting or stopping a medication on your own just in case. Its always best to follow your doctors advice. My surgery has a certain time of the day where you can have a phone consultation with your GP which saves the hassle of getting there. Perhaps yours offers the same service?

Lisa x

14-09-11, 14:45
I'd really recommend you either see or speak to your GP for advice on weaning yourself off the propranolol. I've been on them before albeit slow release ones and I needed to wean myself off.

Have they helped at all with any of the physical symptoms of your anxiety?

17-09-11, 22:02
Thanks for the replies, guys.
I'll definitely go see the GP about it then, I have 7 days of tablets left so I'll go early next week. Hopefully that's enough time to come off them.
Carrera- the tablets have done virtually nothing for me unfortunately. I was only prescribed them in the first place due to a very bad anxiety attack that wasn't relieving itself for a week or so and I thought I'd 'do something about it', as it were. Alas the same things are making me anxious in the exact same ways, so no help really :(


24-09-11, 12:24
hi I have been taking these too for panic attacks,40mg twice a day..about 3weeks. they havent stopped the anxiety feelings I have, and depression. so now my doctor has started me on paroxetine 10mg at night. he told me to just stop the propranolol. I didnt take one for last two days, its my 3rd day of paroxetine and I have woken this morning feeling awful. I have felt very sick and shaky and extremely anxious.. I do not know what to think, as I have heard you cannot just stop betablockers like that. I do not know if it is stopping them or starting the paroxetine that is making me like this. but I dont like it at all. I am having regrets at starting the paroxetine after what iv read on here!!...I just dont know what to do

james toney
03-10-11, 22:47
the 10 mg did nothing for me, 80mg slow release were amazing twice per day,