View Full Version : Delayed side effects?

14-09-11, 07:18
I started taking 10mg citalopram last Wednesday. I've had it twice before for about 6 months at a time, but not for over a year now. The previous times I've taken it, I can remember it making me feel incredibly knocked out and is if I had flu for about 3 days, but nothing too awful. This time, it seems to be a lot worse. I'm taking it in the evenings, which I've not done before, and from the first night have had problems sleeping and woken up sweating. Since last Friday, I've been getting random itching on various parts of my body (esp. head/neck, but it spreads around) and my skin feels really sensitive, so even showering or touching something makes it feel itchy. Otherwise, I felt generally ok other than the usual anxiety stuff until yesterday, but now feel as if I need to lie down most of the time and just absolutely exhausted. I'm also shaky, get random tremors and feel dizzy at times. I've had a pain under my collarbone for about 6 weeks which the doctors insist is muscular, and since last week my neck glands intermittently hurt, with pain spreading up into my jaw and feeling like I can't move my face. I've asked my doctor but he just said I need to expect to feel worse before I feel better. Does anyone have similar experiences? Or think this sounds like it could all be caused by the citalopram?

14-09-11, 10:41
Im in week 6 of cit and in the first week felt crap Ive had most of the SE you ve had -and more ! when I upped the dose from 10-20mg i had bad muscle aches esp in my back jaw and neck, this has eased but my jaw still aches-probably teeth clenching during sleep. I think cos the meds change the Serotonin in the brain then its got to interfere with nerve signals elsewhere in the body-which is probably why the SE s are so varied ! It does get better as you know the longer your on them-keep going x