View Full Version : Really getting there now !!

14-09-11, 13:45
HI guys, just to post something positive, i am reall sarting to get my life back now, although it has been a slow recovery, i am now coping with life better than i have in a year, so much so that i have started to reduce my citalopram dose which has been a lifesaver for me, i am only dropping 5 mg each month, and so far have had no problems now on 35mg a day, which i intend to drop to 30mg in october, what i want to say is, this time last year i could'nt leave the house and spent a lot of time in bed, but now i can go out, eat out, do shopping and all the normal things we all take for granted, i am even having my hair done this weekend, so to all you fellow sufferers, keep going, as things do get much better with time and support, and all the nasty side effects do go away, and finally you see the lght at the end of the tunnel, take care and good luck to all who take the time to read this hope it helps xxx

14-09-11, 17:52
Thanks Pinkdove, I needt ohear this right now lol. I don't mind being totally zonked out in the mornings for now. Think my mind and body needs it in the short term. However, I do wanna get back on track again and start doing the things I was doing, with ease, over two months ago! Plus, I may have a family holiday coming up next year. I so wanna be a good memotional shape that :)

Plus, I just wanna get better on citaloprma as I'm very keen to do CBT. I've rquested other therapies such as assertiveness trainig, confidence building, problem solving etc. I love a challenge lol. However, at the mo, I just haven't got it in me todo anything in these early weeks. So, as mum says, you've got nothing you have to do so just rest until you citalopram kicks in.

Thanks for the post :)

12-10-11, 09:25
Well guys, dropped citalopram dose to 30mg last friday, and things are not too bad, the last couple of days have had some side effects ( i think ) a littlw woozy headed, and some joint pain, but nothing i can't copr with, hoping to stabalise on this dose for a few months before dropping again, but i think the meds are doing the job, and i feel i am on th way to recovery.