View Full Version : When will I feel better.

14-09-11, 15:46
Hello so I am on day 15 now of 20mg of Citalopram I had a pnaic attack on the is night I started them which I sort of expected but I just dont feel like I am any better, I had the worst panic attack I have ever had a couple of nights ago, far far worse than any I have ever had and I have had them for ten years it really worse that bad.
Today I feel anxious, tingly, itchy, my face arms and hands have numbness and I just cant be bothered to do anything even though I want to.
Will I start to feel better soon or should I go back to my drs??
Hannah x x

14-09-11, 17:19
Hi Hannah,
I started on 10mg citalopram last week and am experiencing almost exactly the same. My face and neck are particularly itchy/tingly and i'm getting lots of muscle aches. I also feel knocked out as if I have flu. It's really horrid and i completely sympathise, but i have been on it before and i promise it does help. Hang in there for a bit, and do lots to distract yourself!
All the best :)

14-09-11, 17:29
Hi hannah , after about 21/22 days i saw a big difference in myself!

14-09-11, 17:51
Wish I could say that.

Cathy xx

14-09-11, 19:42
Hang in there. My doc says at least 4 - 6 weeks before you can really tell. It does work and when it finally does kick in, it's wonderful. It's been about 4 weeks for me and I'm finally starting to get some consistently good days. Whew!

17-09-11, 20:29
Hi thanks for the replies!!
I feel fine during the day its just the night times for me that are the worst and when I feel rubbish.
Like now I have pains in my head, it feels horrible like a headache but worse it feels like somethings gonna pop in my head like an anyerism or something and stiffness in my neck!! When will this stop and when will I feel better. I hate this.

17-09-11, 22:23
Give it 4 or 5 weeks really Hannah, then ask doctor for an increase! I only noticed a difference when I went from 20mg to 30mg. And for the last week I've been on 40mg.
I can't tell any difference between 30 and 40!!

I must say I am lots better! The mornings were sooooo bad, I had severe anxiety in the mornings, and no motivation. I know it's hard, just stick with it.
Just take it a day at a time. Citalopram has got me back on track.

Can you pinpoint a cause of the anxiety? Any thoughts, worries, feelings, triggers of stress etc?

18-09-11, 15:08
I have been on cit for 21 days abd have had 3 quite good days. When i was on day 12 to 16 i was a total wreck with really bad anxiety and panicy I phoned the doc and told her how i was fealing and she gave me something to keep me calm while the cit kicks in she says it takes 4 to 6 weeks. if you feel really bad talk to doc and they will probably give you something it really is worth it if the cit is going to work in the long run

18-09-11, 15:42
been back on my cits now for nearly 4 weeks,got no appetite and feel awful,can't sleep either,also on sleeping tabs,was on cits before for 18 months but came off meds to quickly,to all out there,never ever come off meds to quickly.