View Full Version : Phobia

16-05-06, 15:39
I have a terrible phobia of insects but mostly bees and wasps. I seem to spend 6 months of the year in the house. I count the days untill it is winter again and so on...I get up at 4.30 am each day to complete my chores I have outdoors before THEY are up and about. By 7ish I am a prisoner in my house.

16-05-06, 16:35
Hi Calmic, welcome to the forum. I used to have a phobia of spiders but since working out in the garden with all the insects it has actually de-sensitized me. Have you sought any professional help with this as I'm sure there are things that can be done. For example do you know when it started, any reason why? Were you stung etc. I'm sure a counsellor or hynotherapist could help you through. Anyway I'm now expert on phobias but there are people here who've been through stuff like that.


'This too will pass'

16-05-06, 17:37
Hello Calmic - welcome to the site
Love Helen

16-05-06, 18:08
Hi there Calmic
Welcome to our site.
I too have a phobia of wasps and run around waving my arms around if one comes near me. its quite hilarious if I see myself = but apparently hypnotherapy can help> My daughter had a serious spider phobia and 6 sessions of hypnotherapy helped her and now she can put a glass over one and throw it outside when before - she couldnt even go in a house if there was a spider there. Good luck Love wenjoy x

16-05-06, 18:58
Hi Calmic,

A big welcome to the site. Sure will find loads of support and many friends on the site.

Take care,


16-05-06, 22:56
hello,mine is daddy long legs,ruddy great flyin spiders,yuk!I dread september when they all hatch ,i close the windows[everyone gaspin for breath!!]I do think we can de-sensitise ourselves tho.Some days are worse than others with meOddly tho i am allergic to wasp stings i am not so scared of them,how odd is that??Any hoo welcome!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

17-05-06, 08:05
Hi Calmic

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

17-05-06, 10:10
Hi and welcome!

Mary- Daay long legs- AAAAARRRRGGGHHHH! Freak me RIGHT out. I literally run around the house waving my arms in the air like a demented woman when one comes in! And moths- eeeuuurrghh. Don't mind butterflies, but moths. No thank you!

Shiv x

17-05-06, 15:15

Welcome to the forum you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'