View Full Version : Do others get this?

14-09-11, 16:28
I find that with my anxiety, I can have a few days in a row where I feel well and then thats followed by a few days where I feel really off and run down, sort of poorly feeling and it seems to last for a few days.

Do others have this?

14-09-11, 17:41
I'm in a good day/bad day cycle at the moment, having the same thing but on alternating days. My G.P. puts it down to adrenal exhaustion and assures me that in time, there will be more good days and fewer bad days. Here's hoping! :)

14-09-11, 18:12
Yeh thats how it is, you describe it well! yeh heres hoping to more good days and fewer bad days :)

24-09-11, 20:34
Yes hun i get this, i seem to be ok for a week then get about 3 really bad/down days xxx

25-09-11, 00:28
Pretty much happens to ALL of us.
Or you can the best day ever, lots of fun, no anxiety then only to find once you get home the anxiety sets in big time.

25-09-11, 07:59
Yes, I get this too and more often than not the bad days last about 5 days.