View Full Version : Anyone... please

14-09-11, 16:59
I feel awful keep seeking reassurance but im petrified, cant go to gp as no help at all, told to get on with it last time i went so no where to turn.

I have HA and i can keep it at bay at times but sometimes i get overwhelmed and start to think i have something serious wrong, last few months its been between heart disease and ovarian cancer .. when i get rid of breathlessness etc i get upset tummy and im petrified, surely it cant just be anxiety can it?

last week i had heart issues, but since sunday i have lower back ache nothing major just aches, yesterday i had abdominal aches down below navel in the pelvic area and aches in leg joints at pelvic area and above navel side pain both sides.. so last night i worried myself sick i had ovarian cancer.

im 41, dont have any bloating as such although i have suffered from ibs for last 18 years i do suffer from gas and heartburn etc at times along with some constipation and diarrhea when i have a flare up.

So im scared that instead of the aches etc i have being associated with my ibs that it is indeed ovarian cancer ..
If it was ovarian would the pains come and go as my aches etc were completely away today but was worrying earlier again and have backache tonight.
My hubby said that if it was something sinister it would be there constant but im scared he is just saying that... anyone had anything similar?

14-09-11, 17:12

Health anxiety is a horrible thing that can completely consume you. I've had it for 10 years. I've also had (in my head), every disease & illness going...had myself dead & buried 100 times over.

I promise you it will get easier. But you need to stop focusing on every twinge.
Nothing is going to happen..& if it did we would have no control over it anyway. We can't predict the future...stop wasting time focusing on the what if's & enjoy the time you have.

Emily x

14-09-11, 17:12
I have health anxiety too. I've been having chest pain for the last 3 days which is so bad that last night I couldn't sleep, partly cause of the pain and partly because my anxious mind was telling me that it was probably a heart attack. Rationally, I know that it's nothing to do with my heart, I'm too young and I would probably be in hospital by now. When you worry your brain is attempting to protect you but usually it fails as it comes to the worst conclusion possible.

I would think that if you had ovarian cancer the pain would be more severe than just an ache. You would also have other symptoms such as abdominal swelling, painful intercourse, loss of appetite and possibly even abnormal bleeding.

Try not to worry

Lisa x

14-09-11, 17:16
I have health anxiety too. I've been having chest pain for the last 3 days which is so bad that last night I couldn't sleep, partly cause of the pain and partly because my anxious mind was telling me that it was probably a heart attack. Rationally, I know that it's nothing to do with my heart, I'm too young and I would probably be in hospital by now. When you worry your brain is attempting to protect you but usually it fails as it comes to the worst conclusion possible.

I would think that if you had ovarian cancer the pain would be more severe than just an ache. You would also have other symptoms such as abdominal swelling, painful intercourse, loss of appetite and possibly even abnormal bleeding.

Try not to worry

Lisa x

Someones been googling LOL

14-09-11, 17:52
Haha, after 8 years of health anxiety I now know every symptom of most conditions. Which isn't helpful as I don't even need to rely on dr google to scare me x

14-09-11, 18:01
Katiep..if you feel your not being taken seriously by your gp demand to see another..you have a right to that. I have had exactly the same worry as you and was sent for a scan..simple procedure but put my mind at rest.
That's what the nhs is there for..the patient is supposed to be in control. But we can't diagnose ourselves.

14-09-11, 20:22
Sounds like health anxiety..

If you go to the doctor and they tell you that you're fine...trust them!

15-09-11, 19:59
Hi Katiep
Ive so been where you are-Im 44 and get IBS too I once ask my Gp for a blood test for ovarian cancer ! She explained the pain would be more constant with bloating and bleeding-I think your husbands right-mines the same as he veiws things in a logical way ! I had bad indigestion a few days ago which got worse after I d been on a long walk and I kept on thinking maybe it was a heart attack !!!! Anyway that was 3 days ago and Im still here. lol. Health anxiety is awful I just cant stop myself thinking the worse-I try NOT to look at google...xxxx

16-09-11, 13:09
It sounds to me like you have a couple options. Firstly, it sounds like your problems are digestion related, meaning it could simply all be a result of lack of the right kind of nutrition. This would account for many of the symptoms you mentioned. Secondly, it seems you are more than aware that you suffer from health anxiety, meaning you are aware that it could possibly be that you need to see a doctor, but its just as likely to be psychological. Health anxiety often causes us to focus too greatly on our fears, making the fear misinterpret your normal body function as reasons to panic. Maybe without your anxiety, you would not even notice the things that are bothing you at the moment. You are just noticing them because you are sensitive about the vulnerability of your own body.

Most of the time, if now practically EVERY time, health anxiety is a complication brought about by trauma. Many HA sufferers can pinpoint where it began, whether it was the death of a friend/family member, an accident, a medical emergency, being told about something that frightens you, seeing something that frightened you, medical tests etc. Usually with these people, their Health Anxiety is highly focussed on areas that are sensitive to the initial trauma. I dont know if this might apply to you or not, but if you do indeed suffer from Health Anxiety, it is worth remembering that everything has a cause. For me, it was my mum dying of cancer. Since then, my health anxiety has led me through hundreds of beliefs that i am dying, but always in ways that could be linked to experiences I had with my mum when she was ill. But the same traumas of HA could have been induced simply by a friend who told you a story about her aunts birthing complications.

I would investigate CBT. It helped me so much. Please by all means get in touch with me privately if you need help with dietary issues or cbt. I can help with both. x