View Full Version : 20mg- 30mg side effects

14-09-11, 17:11
Hi guys,
So I started 30mg 5 days ago and since then I have had very little concentration , quite tired and irritable.
I feel my mood was better on the 20mg and friends and family have commented that i was in a better mood last week (they dont know about the increase) I feel a bit spaced out sometimes however I do want to stick with the 30mg I was just wondering if these side effects are normal ?

Thank you!

14-09-11, 17:59
Quite normal, it normally takes a little while for your body to adjust to any change in meds, so upping the dose can make you feel a bit off for a week or two, so I wouldn't worry

14-09-11, 18:05
Hi Rebecca, could you not just stay on the 20mgs? After all the doctor or psyche doesn't always know what's best for every patient, as we're all different :) Maybe you should "listen" to your body, and do what feels best for you? I always stick to a low dose, a higher one usually makes me feel worse :( Good luck :)

14-09-11, 18:10
Hey :)
the problem with the 20 was i was getting an hour or 2 a day of intense anxiety that i was sort of 'crashing' with.
Because of this i was on 0.5mg of xanax a day and i wanted to try get off that , the doctor suggested highering the dose to try and combat it , im going to give it 3 weeks and decide then whether to reduce it :)

14-09-11, 18:20
Hi again, I'm not sure the anxiety ever completely disappears? I know mine doesn't anyway :( Maybe we need to learn new coping skills, and not rely too much on these chemicals? Just a thought... Good luck anyway :)

14-09-11, 18:30
Well yes i know everyone suffers anxiety but this has only been debilitating for 3 months now since my first panic attack , i am only turned 20.
When i mean crash i mean suicidal crashing and big anxiety attacks for 1 to 2 hours a day not just anxiety sadly
Hopefully this will even out on the 30!

14-09-11, 18:38
I went from 20 mg to 30 mg 6 days ago for the same reason, I was getting bad mood swings which were getting worse.

Ive been struggling on the increased dose too (in fact I took an overdose on monday) but everyone Ive spoken to has said it takes a few weeks to feel the benefit of an increase so am going to stick with it.

Please let us know how you get on & Ill do the same x

14-09-11, 19:13
i will definitely let you know keep me posted x

14-09-11, 20:00
Im on 20mg aswell and Im only 21! Feeling a great difference in mood but like you I am having some anxiety still and was considering going up to 30mg! Let me know how you get on ! xx

14-09-11, 20:14
Hey ,
how long have you been on it?
Well I was told i wouldnt have any other side effects and i really anticipated that i wouldnt even went away for the weekend but so far i have had an increase in anxiety and lack of concentration , nothing a severe as the beginning , it is a livable but uncomfortable!
will keep you posted will be taking my 6th tonight!

16-09-11, 13:40
how is everyone getting on with the dose increase?
today i feel a LOT better than other days!