View Full Version : why is this happening to me?

14-09-11, 17:41
Hi there
i would like know know if anyone has suffered symptoms that i have and what you have done about them, i feel i may have a mental health problem and i am not sure how to deal with this so any thoughts, comments or advice would be muchly appreciated.

So, for the last few years or so i have had very horrible thoughts and pictures running through my mind at night time when im home alone which is quite often (im fine during the day and at night when someone is with me), the pictures that run through my mind are very graphic, i always picture a young girl with cuts and bruises all over her body and she is very pale, possibley dead, the picture of her and thought of her stops me leaving my living room to go to the toilet or go to bed, i always think she will be standing infront of my mirror or lying in my bed or in the bath, it scares me so much i can hear my heart pounding, i also feel that when im in bed, there is someone in my house, it can take just a raindrop hitting my window for me to beleive there is someone in my house even though i know it was just rain i heard, these thoughts and pictures are making me feel soo unsafe all the time and i done know what to do about it, this is the first time i have ever spoken out about this, it has been happening for so long and i just want it to stop.

14-09-11, 18:25
Hiya, think you might need to ask an expert about it? Not sure anyone on here is really qualified to make a diagnosis? Sounds similar to things I've experienced though... mine is ptsd :( Take care

14-09-11, 22:01
Maybe 1 tip I can give... When the graphic image appears, visually screw it up and throw it away. Replace it with a new image or thought, the image will more than likely appear seconds later then do it again. Keep repeating the process this teaches your conscious and subconscious that this thought is not wanted or needed and you are paying no attention to it simply dis regarding it and shifting it to your bin. By trying to not think about it you are actually focusing on it more.