View Full Version : is this normal?

16-05-06, 16:10
Hi everyone
I havent been in ages but Ive had some terrible news lately. My nan was diagnosed with terminal cancer, its spread through her body and is extreamly ill. Its been very emotional because shes only 67 and showed no symptons or signs of illness, shes very bubbly and independant. She turned Yellow and that was the first sign.

Im not sure if it was before or not this but Ive been feeling really anxious again. I know whats happening is an anxious time but its making my anxiety and stuff bad. No where near as bad as it was beofre when I first got it but still it isnt very pleasant.

Ive even had a point where i almost thought I wasnt breathing. I felt dizzy and everything. I was on the way to visit my nan. Im ok really when Im there, I do get some intrusive thoughts though but I self talk and stuff.

The thing is now Im concerened Ive been feeling anxious, Im worried its going to come back. Can I cope with it again? I know i did it before but can it be done again? Im scared ill have a breakdown. then obviously this spirals on and on. My anxietys have been about all sorts again, not just my nan, I was scared about what if I turn manic depressive etc. what about my kids?

I just wanted someone to talk to me again. Shall I visit docs? I take 40mg of Citalorpram still? Do you think it needs to go up?[V]

16-05-06, 16:15
I don't know about meds as I have never dared take any, but I can tell you that it just seems worse because you haven't had it in a while. I have recently had the same thing, my anxiety coming back, and it seemed awful at the time but looking back it was nowhere near as bad as it used to be and I coped fine.

You sound like you have some good coping methods but it wouldn't hurt to read up on some relaxation techniques, make sure you are eating right and get a bit of exercise. It all helps us fight the fight :) Good luck!

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

16-05-06, 16:21
thanks Mrmonkey
It is noooo where near as bad as before. So i supose thats a positive thing hey. I think the worst thing is my ears feel like they want to pop and my heads trapped in a clamp or something.

16-05-06, 16:25

Sorry to hear about your nan.
No wonder you are feeling axious and worried.
It is perfectly natural to feel this way when you recieve bad news. Dont fight it....just accept that what you are feeling is perfectly normal and you will cope as you have done before.

Chin up love. We are all here for you x

Hay x

16-05-06, 16:29
h Kimmy I'm so sorry to hear about your nan, no wonder you are feeling low, it is only natural, and everyone feels that way when they receive bad news. Don't worry about your anxiety coming back and not coping, just live one day at a time and flow with it, it is a natural reaction to the sad news you have had.
Take care


'This too will pass'

marie ross
16-05-06, 16:31
Hi Kimmy

Very sorry to hear about your nan, she sounds lovely. Its understandable that you're feelin really anxious again after what your going through. I'm not on any meds, so i can't advise you on what you should do. Although it sounds like, your're coping brilliantly considering whats happening. Like MrMonkey said if i'm feeling more anxious than usual i start eating properly (no booze!!!) and get back on my exercise bike, or even out in the garden, weeding etc just to take my mind of things. I hope everything goes well for you, i'm sure its just the pressure of your nan being ill thats making you out of sorts and you and your kids will all be fine.

Take care

Marie XXX

16-05-06, 17:30
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">thanks Mrmonkey
It is noooo where near as bad as before. So i supose thats a positive thing hey. I think the worst thing is my ears feel like they want to pop and my heads trapped in a clamp or something.

<div align="right">Originally posted by kimmy - 16 May 2006 : 17:21:25</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Ah, a good ole tension headache. Here's a few tips:
1) You're probably clenching your jaw too as this adds strain to a headache and effects the ear (you'd be surprised what other muscles it pulls on too!), so try this. First off, you need to relieve the tension so slowly open your jaw as far as it will go and hold it for 5 secs. Then slowly close it. Secondly, open your jaw slightly as if you were about to speak and apply pressure with your index fingers at the tender spot just below where the jaw bone meets the cheekbone, just below the ear lobe. The more tense you are, the more this will hurt, so go easy! Slowly apply pressure for 5 secs then slowly release your fingers. Wait 10 seconds and repeat as much as you like.

2) To prevent your jaw clenching again. try to keep the tip of your tongue gently touching behind your two top front teeth. If you do it right, your mouth will be slightly open. This will put a bit of the strain on the tongue instead, but don't worry, the tongue is strong and can take it.

3) If you feel down from the base of your skull, a distance of two vertebrae - about four finger widths and then out to each side two finger widths you should be able to feel two tender spots. Massage these in a circular motion for some relief.

4) Everyone knows about rubbing the temples right? Massage these in a circular motion, clockwise 10 times then anti clockwise.

5) Finally, use the power of your mind. When you get a moment, sit down and close your eyes, breathe deep and just imagine the tension evaporating of your head, really picture it in your mind.

Hopefully these will make you feel better. They work for me!

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

16-05-06, 17:41
how bizarre the jaw thing it does hurt, but it does work!!!! thanking you muchly xxxxx mwah

16-05-06, 17:48
Hi Kimmy - so sorry to hear about your nan. It sounds like you've been doing really well coping with your anxiety. Try not to let this blip worry you too much (harder said than done I know!!), you've got through high anxiety before and this will pass too with time - make sure you look after yourself,eat well, exercise and rest plenty.
Take Care
Love Helen

16-05-06, 19:32
Hi Kimmy, sorry to hear your news.

Last chapter of Claire Weekes "Self Help For Your Nerves" talks about the fear of it coming back after you've recovered.

It's the same old fear thing really. It's the fear of it coming back that can make it come back. You know how to defeat it so try not to fear it.

Trev :D

16-05-06, 22:09