View Full Version : Anybody tried Hypnosis?

14-09-11, 21:07
just wondered is hypnosis works and if so will a one-off treatment do or is a long drawn out thing?

14-09-11, 21:52
Ok. So hypnotherapy differs. For example, you can go to one of these quick phobia release, or rewind technique sessions which are supposed to be quick and permanent, but they provide aftercare if it doesn't. And you can have NHS hypnotherapy which is done on more than one session, but I haven't tried it.
I have, however, hypnotised my phobia of spiders away with self hypnosis. You have to be suggestible for it to work and the hypnoguy will test you first.
Don't think its a quick fix for anxiety. Often it will mask the problems for a while, and if the hypnodude is not an expert he could just be giving yo confidence. You need to deal with the inner problem in my opinion, rather than forcing in suggestive messages. Each to their own, whatever works for you, just make sure you get someone who is experienced and well thoght of.