View Full Version : CITALOPRAM

16-05-06, 18:11
A few years ago i started taking citalopram, but i can't remember if i was taking 5 or 10 mg, cause i was taking 1/4 pill, but dont remember if it was of 20 or 40.
Now i'm having -new- panic attacks, and a different doctor prescribe me 20 mg., which i think its too much to re-start.
Does anyone know which is the minimun efective dosis for citalopram?, cause the first time i had -20 or 40-? i coudnt sleep and get really paranoid.
thanks a lot.

16-05-06, 18:36

Firstly welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

I recently started back again on citalopram and I began on 20mg to give me the boost I needed, now 6 weeks on I have just reduced to 10mg, as this is what I did the last time, 10mg is the lowest dose of citalopram this is prescribed.
Hope this helps.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

16-05-06, 19:29

welcome to nmp. you will meet lots of helpful people on this site and they will not judge you. 20mg is the active dosage


16-05-06, 21:06
I've been on Citalopram for a few years now. I am currently on 20mg, but the doctor started me on 10mg, so as not to aggravate my panic symptoms too much until i settled into the meds.

Lyla xx

16-05-06, 22:04
i take 40 god is that bad? [xx(]

16-05-06, 22:11

I have been taking Citalopram on and off for around 8 years, i start on 10mg and then double it to 20mg a couple of weeks later, i find that helps reduce any side effects.

Hope that helps

Love Andrea

17-05-06, 03:06
Thank you so much for your responses.
I took 10 mg. (1/2 pill)...lets see how it works on me...
Have a good night all...love...

17-05-06, 07:37
Im so jealous when i read about people taking pills to help.
I take nothing:( but always wish i did.
It seems everywhere i go people tell me not to, my mother in law always tells me to ask for pills..its very tempting.

can anyone tell me more about this pill and does it work >?
