View Full Version : stressed and tired

14-09-11, 22:32
well after a kind of nice summer of going on holidays, im back to being tired, stressed and fed up. Back to studying and working which is really hard to get back into and not sure if im up to it! i dont feel very well physically keep telling myself its fine as hate going to doctors.

On top of the above my mum is really ill she has cancer in her kidney and needs to have it removed so worried about her and i am to far away!! So soon going to have to travel backwards and forwards to see her as often as i can.

Just feel like theres too much going on all at once and i dont know how il get through.

ill shut up now sorry talking rubbish, making a fuss about nothing.

14-09-11, 22:38
i dont think what u just said is rubbish and i dont think your making a fuss bout nothing i think u have every reason to be feeling the way your feeling what with your mum and all. ive been feeling bit more stressed now the kids are back at school juggling anxiety and five kids.:)

15-09-11, 21:32
Hi selphie thanks for your kind message. Sounds like you have a lot on but once youget back into a routine hope it eases for you tc linds