View Full Version : Music is the biggest killer

Piscian Daydreamer
16-05-06, 20:33
You may think that listening to music helps us through our anxiety and depressive state.... but it doesn't, i am convinced it makes things worse!

Music makes us even more emotional, and furthermore, it gives our blips a theme song.

I can hardly listen to some of my old favourite songs these days because the depressing memories hurt too much!

Music is the biggest killer! Stay away!

16-05-06, 21:11
Aww i'm sorry you feel this way hun.....i must admit I hardly ever listen to music anymore i've really got to be in the right mood for it otherwise it bugs me....so I can understand it from that sense !!!!

Tara xx

16-05-06, 21:35

i totally dissagree sorry,,

i think music helps people so so so much i know it helps me,,

when i feel down i put some dance music on and have a little jig,,

when i am feeling stressed i put on some classical music and it chills me out,,

i suggest trying something new for you in the music dept,,


chill with the music,,,

p,s, i like the music on your space??????????????


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

16-05-06, 21:39
I'm afraid its the only through for me at times, listening and singing my head off it lifts my spirits! Just don't listen to depressing stuff, i recently bought the 'Happy Songs' CD and it has such a 'light' feel you have to smile. I guess we're all different. Last year when i couldn't sing due to the 'lump in the throat' i found it harder to get through than i have this time.


'This too will pass'

16-05-06, 21:53
I find if I'm really stressed I'll only tolerate some really calming tunes and won't dare listen to anything else but otherwise I love music, especially as a "quick and easy" form of exercise - having a jig :)

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

16-05-06, 22:16
Oh I know what you mean, I can really make myself worse with music! On the other hand I have learned to avoid the depressing stuff and now tend to listen to upbeat music on a regular basis and am guilty of being an embarrassing jigger too lol!!!

It can definitely do both!

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

16-05-06, 22:33
What music you listening to PD?! Not radiohead or cold play I hope! As much as I love them their music's v. depressing! Perhaps its cos your listening to stuff that makes you feel nostalgic or yearn for times gone.

Happy, silly music's the key. Amarillo- one of my fav. cheer up songs! Try it, singing at the top of your lungs: works a treat mate!

Shiv x

the dude
16-05-06, 23:33
I noticed the same thing.
After my initial panic attack that started my whole mess music would just make me feel sooooo much worse. I'd reflect on times i used to have with friends and get depressed, or I'd listen to a loud, aggresive song thatd just make me feel more anxious.

But it also depends on what youre listening to and how youre feelign that day.

I'm used to a lot of aggresive music.
But i also enjoy electronic music, classical, classic rock, some more positive and upbeat hardcore punk...

But i can totally understand.
I was terrified that i wouldnt be able to enjoy music anymore at first.
Which is pretty terrible when all i do is listen to music, try to go to shows, play with my band, etc.

marie ross
17-05-06, 00:38

I love music any kind of music, and if i'm feeling fed up, i love to sing!!!!(even though i can't). Some songs make me depressed, but if that happens i just press a button and its gone, but then again some songs have such an uplifting effect on me, i sing away and whatever i was fed up about has gone.

Marie XXX

17-05-06, 08:34
I'm not sure I could cope without my iPod! I have all my mediatation CDs on it. It's great when you have a spare moment to chill out.

As for my music, I am an 80s electronic junky, but essentially like anything. I have over 1500 cds so I really can't give up music!

There are times when I can't listen to anything though. Usually when I'm super anxious. Whilst some music may trigger bad memories most of it makes me feel happy and some makes me feel really good [some old dance tunes really make me smile.]

If you want to try some uplifting music try listening to Howard Jones! [www.howardjones.com] Everyone know his early 80s stuff but his new stuff is fantastically uplifiting. He's a practicing Buddist and always sees the positive stuff in life.

Anyway, there's my pennies worth.


~~~ It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS. ~~~

17-05-06, 10:12
I know exactly what you mean - I don't listen to ballads so much these days, just upbeat music.

Been loving Gnarls Berkley 'Crazy' at the mo for a good jig. My kids made me a great Cd to bounce away to on my trampolene with lots of really good toe tapping music, ranging from 'Jump around' by House of Pain to 'She's a lady' by Tom Jones and lots of weird and wonderful stuff inbetween.

I sometimes sing to them all too which really blows the cobwebs away - I have been asked not to do this when the kids are in for some reason [:I][}:)]!!!!

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-05-06, 10:16
Hi Hun

I find music helps me. Certainly a catchy tune/beat does

(I end up singing my head off even though i can't sing for toffee LOL or i dance about abit (can't dance either but again i do'nt care)
I stay away from anything with a down beat because then i would come right down & that of course is no good for anyone.


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

May Day
17-05-06, 13:34

Music can bring back both sad and happy memories and may be a useful tool for anxiety ...

i went through a sad situation but found i was unable to cry and release the emotions i felt, so listened to sad music as a kind of therapy to release my thoughts ... this wasn't so very long ago ... after a while i decided it was time i listened to something a little brighter to help chear me up and take my mind off of what i'd been through ... now i'm able to listen to those old songs and think about the sad times again but they don't have the same destructive effect on me anymore ...

i'd suggest you chose carefully what kind of music you listen to and use it positively to benefit how you feel rather than reject it as something bad ... music can aid healing

take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

17-05-06, 14:06
i know where you coming from,i dont listen to music hardly at all anymore!!Odd as i used to be a siger when i was young!!Wrote my own stuff too,all folkand hippie stuff,peole seemed to like it!Any way i digress!I think it reminds me of how i used to be and it makes me sad,simple really.But now i will think of the jiggers jiggin about and it wil make me smile!!ooh my worst one for gettinme all upset at the mo is kelly clarksons'because of you' ooer it's a killer that one!!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

17-05-06, 16:31
Oh my gosh! I know exactly what you mean, once when I self harmed I remember a particular music track I had on and now when I hear it I have to like turn it off! lol. Its like when you have some music on it just makes you want to cry and its quite depressing. So yeah I know what you mean lol.

x x