View Full Version : Any advice please

16-05-06, 22:06
Just wondered if anybody could give a little bit of advice here.

If i arrange to see people and they dont turn up or are late i get really anxious and darent go and look for them in case i miss them.

for example the other day we went to a shopping centre and my other half went to M & S and I went to other shop and said we would meet each other outside near these benches. anyway I came out after about 5 mins and he was not there. - he was only buying a sandwich. I stood there and just kept myself calm and did not panic as i did all the usual breathing distraction and rational thoughts and i was ok. I wanted to see if he was still in M & S but i did not daremove just in case he was not there and i would start to panic or if i missed him and was left on my own and again would panic. just wondered if anybody else had these thoughts and could give any advice. (he did come out of the shop - he was in a queue!!!) after about 10 mins (i just stood were i was)

thanks a lot


16-05-06, 22:19
Lol Bobsy I really hate this too and have more or less solved it by making sure everyone has and uses their mobile phone!!!! I can't imagine how I coped before - if anyone ever has theirs off or doesn't answer I freak!!!!

I don't think this is the 'correct' answer, but it's the truth[:I]

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

16-05-06, 22:23
thanks fegee for that

when you freak then how do you cope



17-05-06, 01:18
oh yes i get that too...feel like i have everything lol...i too make sure mobiles are on and in hand lol its such an awful feeling i just deep breath and look in shop windows. sometimes my partner deliberatly hides down anotherisle while im looking at something and i nearly freak..but hes watching me (the s...) xx

jools xx

17-05-06, 10:17
I say the same as Fee mate - mobiles!!!!!!

LOve Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

marie ross
17-05-06, 16:34
Hi bobsy,

Afraid i'm the same, i've permanantly got a mobile clenched in my hand (apart from when i'm working). I could'nt get a signal the other day, and i thought my world would end, ending up ringing my other half on a public phone pleading for him to come and help me as i could'nt possibly go and pick the kids up from school without me needing to ring someone just in case!!!!! He did'nt turn up........god i really hated him that day!!!!!! Anyway i managed to get to school and back and nothing happened, but its the same if we ever go to tescos, if he ever dares to leave me on my own in the aisle i will constantly ring him up to see where he is (he's usually only 2 metes away, but it could be 2 miles as far as i'm concerened!!!) I LOVE MY PHONE!!!!!!

Marie XXX

17-05-06, 21:56
thanks for all your replies better keep my mobile charged up then.

if any body else has any other advice im all ears.
