View Full Version : back on citralopram tonight...im bit scared,advice please

15-09-11, 13:02
hello everyone,

ok i was on citalopram for 2 years and changed it to sertraline a month ago as i didnt thinkit was working,but sertraline makes me feel very crap so today my doc has put me back on citalopram 20mg...i am a bit worried about stopping the sertaline and starting cit, as im worried about withrawel symptoms...the doc says il be fine but im a bit worried that it will give me panick attack and that il feel really bad....

will i be ok?and do u think i will feel rough???
pls reply,thanks x

15-09-11, 19:38
Can somone pls reply..i need help

15-09-11, 19:47
I cant help you that much as Ive only been on cit. But It seems you were on cit for a lot longer than sertraline-did you have probs when you changed between these two ? If you only changed meds for a month then going back on cit shoulnt be too bad as your body will remember this med-if you know what I mean !! My guess is if the doc feels its ok you should be alright. Maybe someone else can help you a bit more. Good luck x

16-09-11, 12:08
Can somone pls reply..i need help
I was on stelazine for anxiety /panic attack and they have stopped making them so my doctor has put me on citralopram i am into my third week and this week has been really bad i havebeen in a panic most of the week. i phoned my doctor and she has given me prochlorperezine to help keep me calm while the cit starts to work, doc says i am worse as the stelazine is still getting out of my system as well as the sit getting into it the tab she has given me seem to be keeping me calmer maybe you will need some help while they sort themselves out. dont be afraid to ask for help it is there. good luck.

16-09-11, 12:33
Hi I started back on citalopram on tuesday morning, am taking 10mg for a week then will up to 20mg, cit has really helped me in the past but came off it in june as i thought i was better!! BIG mistake, started with panic attacks again aug!! doctor tried me on dosuelpin which i stuck at for 4 weeks but didnt help with my anxiety hence why ive gone back to citalopram, i was petrified about taking cit again due to how they normally heighten my anxiety at first so doc also gave me some 2mg diazepam to take..............so far on day 4 i haven't been 2 bad, im worse in the morning when i first get up, very shakey and heart pounding so i take a diazepam as this is what doc recommended, there is times in the day when i actually feel 'normal' but then the shakes will start and the heart pounding :-( im hoping this will pass when the cit gets in my system!! good luck and try and think positive, i know its hard but i keep telling myself im on the way up now!! my god tho it doesn't take long for u to reach rock bottom but its a bloody long climb back up!! Take care
Nicola xx

17-09-11, 13:58
Hi just wondered how u were doing back on citalopram?
Nicola x