View Full Version : Bloating/Breathless/Spasm in Oesophagus

15-09-11, 17:05
Hi All,

I'm desperately seeking advice about my symptoms.

I have no acid or burning, nor indigestion for that matter, just globus, palpitations, spasm in stomach/oesophagus and a feeling of shortness of breath.

My GP said anxiety, but it feels awful, as though I can't breathe with it.

Could it be a hernia, or GERD?

Has anyone else suffered similar symptoms?


15-09-11, 20:10
i have exactly the same problems but i do have acid reflux, do you take anything for it? i have read you can get gerd without having acid in your throat, these can be anxiety symptoms too though , i find its a visous circle as you get these symptoms as i do then cos you cant breath you panic, go back to see another doctor and tell them how worried you are. its not nice and i know exactly how you feel, when i get it i lay down for 10 minutes and do breathing exercises it does help.

15-09-11, 23:16
Thank you maybeoneday. Do you think anxiety can cause GERD and does your GERD cause shortness of breath?

16-09-11, 11:03
yes my gerd causes breathlessness especially when im bloated i find it very hard to breath, my doctor kept saying it was anxiety , i saw another doctor who has helped me no end had endiscopy done and i have gerd, i took lansoprazole and it helped with acid and breathing but made me dizzy so stopped it, but its coming back so will see my doc next week about other meds, if i was you i would go see another doctor, i have had anxiety for years on and of and i have never!! had this before. hope you get it sorted hun.:bighug1:

16-09-11, 13:19
thank you so much for your advice maybeoneday!

16-09-11, 15:12
thats fine hun, anytime xx