View Full Version : Leg ache through anxiety - seriously not?

15-09-11, 21:00
So leg ache started 3 days ago, thought it was where I had sat on it whilst watching tv, but it always went away!? Had a constant leg ache since last night! It starts at my hip down my thigh and is affecting my knee! It's a constant dull ache, sometimes feels like it's burning but it's more grinding on my hip and knee! And it actually hurt when I walked about town today! I am sooo scared it's a blood clot or something similar? Doesn't help when I've had workmates throwing allsorts of suggestions as to what's wrong with me at me all day?! Just wondered if anyone has suffered and is it worth another trip to the doctors?! I just keep thinking sooner or later something is going to be wring with me, surely my stress can't cause me to have leg ache!

15-09-11, 21:24
Hi Mel. Well I've had aching legs all my life! Ever since I can remember it just comes and goes- normally before I'm due on my period I get really bad aching legs that last a day or so. I find having a hot bath helps as well as taking one asprin and then when I'm in bed I will gently move my legs up and down and eventually it goes away. If the ache is still there in a day or two I would got to the doctors just to see (obviously I'm not expert I'm just going off my experience with aching legs!) But if you are worried then see a doctor. I had aching legs all yesterday just because the day before I had been walking around London for most of the day in bad shoes - so if you know that you have been on your feet a long time then that could be causing it? Hope this helps! x