View Full Version : IBS whos on mebeverine?

15-09-11, 21:47
I have been on mebeverine for a few months and they have worked wonders for me, my Doctor said to take 20 mins before meals..
I do so, I started off doing this 3 times a day.. but my way of eating has changed I only have 2 meals a day so I have one before breakfast and one in the evening before dinner.

I went from 3 to 2 a day and my ibs is fine, but I havent told my doctor this... is 2 a day fine?
My question is to the people who also take mebeverine, when do you take yours? and how many a day?

16-09-11, 10:14
Hi MissSunshine,

I also found mebeverine very good. I took 3 a day for years, now I only take one, around breakfast time. I'd say if you're IBS isn't troubling you, 2 a day is fine. You could mention it to your doc if you happen to be going but I don't think it's worth making an appointment just for that xx

16-09-11, 23:37
Thank you for the help! x