View Full Version : fed up with 'the fear'

15-09-11, 23:36
I am so tired of living in fear, always worrying and never being able to relax. I can cope with most everyday things but some tiny little thing happens and my world just turns upside down.

Even when nothing is wrong I am waiting for the next thing to start me off again. My mind and body just shut down and everything is an effort. I don't feel I am living my life, just surviving.

15-09-11, 23:40
hi same with me im sick and tired to it does my head right in one day without panic would be bliss.:weep:

15-09-11, 23:49
hi selphie,

Sorry to hear your not having a good time either. I actually can't remember a time I wasn't stressed or fearful. I can even remember when it all started, I was 11 years old and my granny died and my mum went to pieces. I remember her saying she wanted to die too, and from then on I have lived with the fear of my mum wanting to take her own life.

I am 40 years old and my mum is still with me, so I know it was an irrational fear but other fears have crept in over the years and now I suffer from anxiety everyday.

My hubby was talking with his mum today about some old friend she met up with and I he mentioned someone he knew years ago. My mind started working overtime about him leaving me and the day was ruined.

I know most of my fears are irrational but I can't control how I feel. I go to bed stressed and wake up stressed.

18-09-11, 15:04
same here love stress stress stress ggrrrrrrr why cant we have just one easy day will life ever give us a breakxxx:weep:

18-09-11, 20:52
I too am suffering but having beenhere before I know it can be controlled. Over last few weeks am slowly getting better but seems to be for ever and evennowstruggle to go to supermarket. WhenI get there just have to regonise that when the signs appear that I need help

18-09-11, 21:03
same here suffering worrying about what will happen next i hate it i just want a normal life is that to much to ask

18-09-11, 23:01
Me Too !
Wake up feeling fearfful then feel like somethings gonna happen (bad) Not been as bad since started citalopram but still feel like I can never be truly happy or carefree. If something nice does happen then I think I dont deserve it and something will happen to spoil it eg: I win the lottery then die the next day ! ( I know ! ) Dont even know how I got like this and I dont know when it will end You all understand xxx

19-09-11, 18:59
Hi hyg I feel exactly like how you describe - like I can never be truly happy or carefree without the fear of something bad happening to me. I get what you say about winning the lottery too! I also don't know why I started feeling like this - it just happened and then mainfested itself into all these weird symptoms I get. I have been taking citalopram for the past 4 weeks but to be honest I'm not sure how much good they are doing me.. My family said that they think I seem less anxious and my doctor also said that, but I still have the worries in my head.. also I don't know if you find this but if the weather is really bad and gloomy (like today!) then I feel even worse..!

20-09-11, 02:13
Something that helps me...

You know when you get a nagging parent who won't let something drop and you just get more and more fed up with listening:mad:? What is it that you often say in reply? No, I don't mean the swearing words:lac:?!.......

There's one word that comes to mind which I very often use.........


Try saying that when you next get fed up with your worries and see what happens. IF you Really believe in that one word, you'll find you'll take the power away from your worries and the symptoms will ease.:winks:

20-09-11, 06:46
i'm exactly the same day in day out its always the same never changing trying to keep my head above water!!