View Full Version : Paranoia really annoying me!

Natalie x
15-09-11, 23:51
Hi. Just over the past few months I've noticed that I have been really paranoid about things, especially with work and in social situations with my friends. At work I constantly check everything I do and then check again about 20 times and constantly worry about certain tasks. It's really annoying me as there is constant doubt in my head everyday about the things I do. Another major one is I'm paranoid when I'm with my friends or when I talk to them, analysing everything I say or do incase I have said or done the wrong thing or what they think of me. At the weekend my boyfriend and I were at my friends boyfriends house having a drink anf chatting away and having a laugh. It was a really good night and we had a real laugh. I was a little bit drunk and remember lifting my top up to my boyfriend for a laugh when we were alone. Trouble is, I kept panicking that my friends boyfriend was there or had seen and what my friend would have thought. I kept asking my boyfriend if ut was just us and he kept re-assuring me. How do I get out of this paranoid state? It's really annoying me and am constantly analysing everything! Thanks x

15-09-11, 23:56
hi natalie,

I know how you feel, I do the same thing analysing what I have said or done, replaying things over and over in my mind. I worry what people think of me and get very depressed if I think someone doesn't like me.

It's a horrible feeling and I know how much it can effect your life.

16-09-11, 00:49

I replay events/conversations and analyse my actions often - even things which happened when I was very young.

16-09-11, 11:12
Hi guys, so glad I'm not the only one... paranoia is exhausting :( x

Natalie x
16-09-11, 22:57
Thank you for your replies guys. It's good to know that I'm not the only one who's like this. Hopefully over time it will stop as it actually wears me out at times x