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View Full Version : Scared because of my pancreas, gall bladder, liver!

16-09-11, 04:19
I don't where to start. My right lower rib is sore to touch. There's a small spot that is sore whenever I poke it with a finger. Also, whenever I'm full and somehow sit in a bad position which folds my body too much, I get a weird a "numbing" sensation on the area below my right breast.

On a regular basis, I feel fine. Whenever I walk or sit down with a straight back, I feel a-okay. If I don't touch the sore part, I don't feel anything.

I am terrified that it could be a major organ at risk or the big C! Assurance please?

16-09-11, 09:13
It could also be muscular or skeletel problem. I have very painful ribs at times and have had all of your symptoms over the years. I had painful spot just below my right rib round the side for years and years but it was just muscular and eventually went away. IF you are working at a desk or something physical then this could explain it.

If it is your gallbladder causing pain then the test to do when you have the pain is to lay flat and breathe in then press gently with your fingers under your right rib and then breathe out. If you have inflamed gallbladder then it will be very painful to do this- this is what Drs do if they suspect gallbladder trouble. Also gallbladder pain comes in acute attacks that last up to 10 hrs at a time and the pain is horrendous and radiates into your right shoulder often. What you describe does not sound like this at all. I know this because I have gallstones and many years ago had a couple of attacks but since then they have been fine.

Also your Dr could do blood tests that would show if your liver was working okay - have you seen a Dr with your symptoms??

16-09-11, 13:54
Thank you countrygirl!

I just did the test right now and I'm glad to say that it wasn't difficult or painful to do so. Well, it was only a little sore because of the fact that I pressed the sore area of my rib.

No, I never had any episode of "gallbladder attack". I guess that must be very painful. Like I said, it's only sore when I'm in an awkward position or when I press it on purpose.

No, I haven't seen a doctor about this because it was only recently I started worrying about this because I was too busy worrying about "other" symptoms. I had a blood test March this year and everything was fine.

To be really honest, I think this started out late April this year. I moved in in a new place and had nothing to do for nearly 3 months except sit on a desk and surf the Internet. I also had awkward positions when I used my laptop on bed. Fortunately, my HA self was dormant that time. The "rib soreness" persisted for almost 2 months I think and went away eventually. I was free from the rib soreness for about another 2 months and it was only until recently that it came back. Now, my HA self is wide awake and can't stop thinking about it!

I really hope it's just muscular/skeletal :weep:

17-09-11, 14:21
Anyone? Please?

I feel like I'm in a black hole :weep:

17-09-11, 16:27
My right lower rib has got a sore spot, too, and only when I touch it. I have it in exactly the same place in my left lower rib. Whenever I mentioned this to my GP, or to my previous GP, they don't seem to be concerned. I have had it since this Spring, too. I have more sore spots all over my body when I touch it, like it is bruised but you can't see a bruise.
I think it is muscoskeletal. Just like you, I sit behind a computer a lot (for work, but also sometimes at home).

Also since April I have a sore spot under my right ribs, sometimes on the left side, for which I have seen my GP last month. He thinks it is IBS, also because I tend to get constipated often, and he advised me to eat a diet high in fibre. I am trying to eat more fibre, and the pain went away. It only comes back ever so often, but I am not worried by it anymore. I read IBS can cause your ribs to ache as well.

Hazel B
17-09-11, 17:58
See your doctor. We're not medical and the only way to reassure yourself is to make an appointment.

I had my gallbladder removed 9 months ago and did not have the symptom you describe. The liver and gallbladder are on the side of your torso on the right.

21-09-11, 08:51
Hi thank you for your replies.

I'm hoping that this is just muscular/skeletal.

By the way, today while I was bending over on my seat, I could feel a soreness at my back. It's almost symmetrical to the one in front. It's at the lower right of my back.

Do you get random pains and aches too?

Help :(

21-09-11, 19:25
Hello SkyisBlue - I'm waaay ahead of you in this particular battle - I have had pain in my left ribs going through to my back for 8 weeks and now the same pain is working is way over to the right as well - the only way I can describe it is like having a full term baby inside you, like when it moves or stretches or kicks. Sorry if you are male or never had a baby that's not very helpful?! Mine gets worse at night and having googled for hundreds of hours over the past 8 weeks, I am now an expert on pancreatic cancer (ahem!). I am terrified - every day I count down to when I get to see my consultant on 4 october. Yesterday I had a few hours respite - I joined this site and decided to give myself a break. Definitely go and see GP get it checked but I am pretty sure its nothing.