View Full Version : Good days bad days

16-09-11, 09:04
I posted this week that I was back at work and really pleased.I am still feeling much stronger but having a bad day today..and that's how it goes isn't it. I've managed nearly a whole week and even felt a sense of real achievement. So I'm having a bad day but I'm determined not to go backwards and try and keep positive..because I know what feeling bettr feels like and it's a recent memory. I'm feeling shaky and anxious but it will pass..because that's the pattern of my days. Gets on your nerves though doesn't it (pun intended!)
I've got some diazepam,which I haven't taken for weeks,but I might have one today to give myself a break.
Is this other people's experience...up and down?
I've also got infected throat and periods from hell so maybe that's contributed to the dip
One day at a time eh
Feels better just writing this down
My mantra at moment is today is tomorrow's yesterday!
Onwards and upwards..hope there's enough mid less telly to get me through the day!

16-09-11, 14:56
You sound strong wether you believe it or not. I recently just started a wee job again and because I muddled something up,my anxiety started shouting at me all sorts and to give up and walk out. And I nearly did but I shut the voice up.and so did you.=) Be proud love =) its small things that mount up and make us stronger.im slowly learning. And hope the throat gets better! Xx

16-09-11, 15:49
Hey thanks wee mee
Had a rotten day and finally had to give in to 5mgs of diazepam. I do feel wrong but it's exhausting isn't it and I feel like a failure when I have to take diazepam...altho is twoo weeks since I las took it.
Thanks so much for your support..means a lot xx

16-09-11, 15:50
I meant wrong not wrong..predictive iPad!! X

16-09-11, 15:50
See it did it again..I meant strong!!! Xx

16-09-11, 15:56
You are strong!
Going back to work is a big achievement. And you will have bad days & good days. You've got a good attitude though...just draw a line under the bad days & start again the next day.

Damn I still have bad days at work...

Keep up the good work xxx

16-09-11, 15:57
And PS...Never think of yourself as a failure.
Everyone needs a bit of help now & again x

16-09-11, 16:03
I'm shedding a tear as I post this..but only because your support is so helpful. Thanks guys. I an determined and we should be proud of ourselves. Anxiety is rotten and the fact that we go to work and manage it is amazing..but I guess you only know that if you've been there
Ps I have to learn to use the Diaz when I need it and not be scared of it.

16-09-11, 16:26
At the end of the day,everything is there to help us. It's not a sign of weakness or bad or anything. If it helps you then that's all that matters. :) And yes, don't start me on the predictive text! :)

16-09-11, 16:28
I'm shedding a tear as I post this..but only because your support is so helpful. Thanks guys. I an determined and we should be proud of ourselves. Anxiety is rotten and the fact that we go to work and manage it is amazing..but I guess you only know that if you've been there
Ps I have to learn to use the Diaz when I need it and not be scared of it.

Oh bless you.
If you ever need a chat you can pm me anytime beaut xxx

16-09-11, 16:36
This sounds just like me. I had been signed off work for quite a while and was feeling better in myself. Pushing myself bit by bit and feeling good that I had made progress. I felt ready to go back to work and then had a blip at home and all the fears and sensations came back and I thought to myself OMG it's back, I'm back to square one, etc etc. I went to my doc half hoping she would say I wasn't ready to go back to work but the 2 weeks before I had been gaining confidence and this was just a blip and it was how I deal with the blip that matters and if I accept the negative stuff in my head I'll get on a downward spiral but I had come far so I concentrated on how much I had achieved and told myself I was just having a bad day. We all get them. It doesn't mean you're not stronger. You are! Just take each day as it comes and if you have a crappy one, there's always tomorrow!

Feeling poorly physically will take it out of you mentally too so be kind to yourself!

Big hugs xx

Oh and the predictive text made me laugh especially when you posted the same again. I do it all the time lol x

16-09-11, 17:12
Hey Carrera
Sounds exactly like me..I've tried to keep goin in to work cos itsnlike my security blanket..and I'm lucky to have great team..three of the team have had anxiety in the past and so we r supportive of each other. Blip is a great word isn't it..cos it is short and that's what we have to believe these days are...just blips. You sound really strong and you're right..it has to be day by day.If we were sports people we would be premier league cos of all the energy we have to expend just to do day to day!!
Big hugs to you too..keep on keeping on
I'm so glad I found nmp..it's a life saver

Ps this post took a while ..if you know how to turn off predictive txt on an iPad!?!

16-09-11, 17:19
I can just about work my mobile phone haha x

16-09-11, 17:22
Ditto...apple products are my not so secret addiction

Here's hoping for a chilled weekend xxx

16-09-11, 18:26
iPhone autocorrect is such a beast!!! I'm always embarrassing myself lol x

16-09-11, 18:41
Yep it's on iPad as well..last week a told a friend I thought she was a lump..I meant she was laugh!! Xx

16-09-11, 18:42
Have you got that Ben & Jerrys open yet madam?!?!

16-09-11, 18:55
Not yet..even considering actually going to a real shop to buy it..in a moment of madness iive half considered going to a large store that begins with s and rhymes with elfridges to cash in a voucher I got for my birthday..see you guys have really cheered me up! Even if it only lasts a couple of hours I'm gonna make the most of it xx

16-09-11, 19:01
Oh you should!!
If you start panicking just throw yourself in a freezer lol! X

16-09-11, 19:05
Lol again..off to the shops for me..as my good friend Whitney would say "it's not right but it's ok" !! Xxxx

16-09-11, 21:09
Just an update..in a facing the fear kind of way I did go and spend my voucher...at a huge shopping centre..wasn't a fun trip but I did it,because I was buying myself a treat!! And yes also Ben and jerrys ,Chinese, and corrie.
Feelbso much better..hope tomorrow is more chilled than today.
Thanks so much ladies