View Full Version : Newbie - choosing new meds after a long time.

16-09-11, 13:05
Hello :)

My name is Kate and I am 42. I have suffered a range of problems over my life. Anorexia, alcoholism, bulimia, OCD exercising, self harm... :weep:

Well I hit my GPs 11 years ago because the bulimia and compulsive exercise were killing me, I could hardly walk. They were fantastic. They Put me straight onto 60 mg prozac and got me CBT and a dietician. So score one for the NHS - the bulimia and exercise were kicked into touch. After a few years I lowered the prozac to 20mg a day but have taken that ever since.

Since then I have been in and out of alcohol therapy finally stopping drinking 8 months ago. But the depression and anxiety/fear have become almost unbearable so my doctor wants me to tail off the prozac and start a new drug. I've ben given a choice of 4 to research before I see her next to start. Sertraline, Citalopram, Venlafaxine, and Mirtazipine. My GP said the latter 2 would probably be best for my symptoms.

Well that is me. My GP was pretty straight talking. I said I had tried everything - AA groups, coda, SAA, but she said I had to accept that all my life I have had a major depressive addictive disorder and talking about it can only do so much. So now I face trying a new drug after all these years. I am worried but also hopeful that maybe there is something out there that can make life more bearable.

Kate :)

16-09-11, 13:07
Hi WolfieKate

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-09-11, 09:37
Just a quick update from me. To say I saw my GP this am. I tailed off the prozac I have taken for ten years by using a liquid formula/syringe and dropping it an mg a day. I have had no withdrawal symptoms as far as I know. This is my fourth day on zero prozac after ten years plus. I am pleased by the seeming lack of withdrawal but I know prozac has a long life and is probably decreasing over time in it's effects.

I start trying mirtazapine today starting at 15mg and increasing to 30mg in a few days and 45mg if necessary. I review with my GP in 2 weeks. I intend to take it at bedtime to relieve one of the big side effects which is drowsiness. I also know it causes major munchies and weight gain but I am thin and have little interest in food right now.

What am I am hoping it will address? - anxiety, panic attacks, depression, inability to cope with simple daily situations which get slightly stressful.

We shall see. If it is no good I will try a different drug.

Kate :)

23-09-11, 09:56
Good luck Kate, you've been through a helluva lot. Hope the mirt works for you xxx

23-09-11, 11:26
Thanks Jane.. it's been a tough old time but I have 2 little kids and they need me to function so I am really hoping I can find a drug that helps. I just find it so frustrating that little things make me feel so scared. :) Fingers crossed.

23-09-11, 11:40
Hi Kate

Welcome to NMP, after reading your introduction i am now thinking i should have put more into mine.

Glad to hear things are going well



23-09-11, 12:26
Thanks Fruitsundee :)

I just go on a bit! :D Hope you're feeling not too bad today.


23-09-11, 12:32
Please be careful with mirtazapine. I like you have a history of major body dismorphia, self harm and bulimia and mirtazapine made me gain A LOT of weight. As you know, for a recovered (if you ever fully do!) bulmic does not need weight issues! I posted about it in the mirtazapine thread, hope it helps!

23-09-11, 13:28
Thanks Babikins. It was the one thing I was worried about when I read the side effects. If I do start to gain alot of weight I will have to stop taking it asap so that's a good warning. A friend of mine has just lapsed back into eating issues after years of being OK so I don't think it ever really goes far away... I'll keep everyone posted.

23-09-11, 13:43
Yes please do! It's a wonderful AD, thats added to my disappointment I think. If only the weight gain wasn't a problem, I would have happily stayed on it. Sorry to hear your friend is relapsing. It's such a hard thing to control ):

24-09-11, 07:10
I have decided not to take the mirtazapine. Weight gain would finish me off. So I guess I try the next one on the list which was venalfaxine. I can hack side effects but not one's which affect my body shape/image. I'll keep you all posted as to what happens. In the meantime I am med free since Monday and struggling to be honest. :)

24-09-11, 08:18
Hi Kate
It took 4 ttempts for me to come offf seroxat after being on it 14 years. I too was taking it in pipette form but I finally kicked one of the worst SSRI's in ! I think the brain / body takes months to adjust but I believe anti D's are not the answer tey just can help you get to motivate enough to cope a bit better- that is my view anyway. I have had a real relapse and am now staring citralopam, anxiety atacks are acute for me re fear of work and a manager and everything so I have gone back to therapy and hope we can try to at least releave the anxiety that occurs at work. I guess depression is a real hateful thing also and so de motivating! I know manybelieve citralopam to be good or safer should I say- that seems to be the advice I have been given. Good luck with it all

24-09-11, 08:26
Thanks Pauln2

I think what all this reading is telling me is there is no wonder drug. There is no pill out there which goes bing and hey presto. Which is funny because that's actually what I genuinely thought of the prozac when I started taking it. It was like a miracle! A wonder pill!

I have read up on venalfaxine and don't want to take that either. Lol. I feel stuck between a rock and hard place. I don't want to take any medication. Maybe that's where I need to be. My Mum died 3 years ago and my counsellor says I have complex grief which may be why I cry so much. I am bereft without her and no drug is going to fill that hole in my heart. No pill is going to make raising young kids any easier. And no pill is suddenly going to find my the job of my dreams. I see my therapist today and she is anti medication as she thinks it's better to deal with stuff than dampen the feelings. I feel 1000% confused! :doh:

I am going to just forget pills for the weekend and try and get through day by day.

Kate :shrug:

24-09-11, 10:24
Hi WolfieKate,

Just wanted to say welcome :)

This is a really good place with lots of support and advice which I guess you really need right now. I'm a bit like you with meds, I don't really like taking them and I would rather cope without them but the situation I'm in at the moment means it's not really practical for me to come off them.
If you think you can cope ok without them then give it a go, it seems like you have a good dr who will put you back on some if you need them so it might be an idea to try being without them and seeing how it goes.
I always used to see meds as some kind of miracle drug but I've come to learn that they're not, they just help you to cope with things so you can sort yourself out.
Anyway, enough waffle from me

Hope your weekend goes ok, just take things one day at a time

Take care


24-09-11, 10:25
Hi WolfieKate,

Just wanted to say welcome :)

This is a really good place with lots of support and advice which I guess you really need right now. I'm a bit like you with meds, I don't really like taking them and I would rather cope without them but the situation I'm in at the moment means it's not really practical for me to come off them.
If you think you can cope ok without them then give it a go, it seems like you have a good dr who will put you back on some if you need them so it might be an idea to try being without them and seeing how it goes.
I always used to see meds as some kind of miracle drug but I've come to learn that they're not, they just help you to cope with things so you can sort yourself out.
Anyway, enough waffle from me

Hope your weekend goes ok, just take things one day at a time

Take care
