View Full Version : jaw pain real bad today-anxiety ?

16-09-11, 14:51
must be really clenching my jaw with anxiety now as pain all up one side of my face now. It started in front of my ear-so off I goes to GP-I did have slight ear inflammation but have used ear drops for that. I thought cit was supposed to decrease anxiety !!! Went back to bed today-could nt cope. Anyone got any tips ?? Will be much appreciated :weep:

16-09-11, 18:47
I am out of my mind with it it is so painful and going dentist in oct for gum shield I have posted thread about this last week I have to take pain killers it's paining me now that's why I am coming off the cit and i sure am going to try and come off them I JUST DON'T LIKE AD. I don't know what the answer is some people don't suffer it and some do I am clenching mine now just noticed so i have to try and open my mouth. lol If you get any answeres let me know.

Cathy xx

16-09-11, 20:15
Thanks Cathy.
yes I do remember reading your thread about it last week-I think you are ahead of me in weeks with the cit so Im catching you up on the SEs ! I have already got a bite block so Ill dig it out and start wearing it ( I had it made cos I got migraine ) It seems once the jaw is tense its hard to relax. In my more hypochondriac moments I have considered the pain to means lots more-but we know its not -dont we !! lol

16-09-11, 20:22
Oh yeah,
Im holding a warm wheat pad against my face-that seems to help a bit x