View Full Version : second day of dizziness panicking

17-05-06, 10:34
Hi Everyone

Has anyone had giddiness for more than 1 day. Come on yesterday morning and made myself get on with it then lunchtime it went for an hour or so and I managed to go out with my daughter, on the way home it come back with a vengance and I panicked all afternoon which of course made it even worse. Woke up in the night head all funny and this morning its just the same giddy to walk about and a pressure headache and tension pain in the neck, all on my own and its scaring me now, need some reasurrance please

Luv Barb xxxx

17-05-06, 10:54
babe gidiness and lightheadedness are my worst complaint, ive had them for 8 months so count urself lucky with 1 day xx

Miss Pink
17-05-06, 11:08
Hi Barb,

I could have posted this myself ! I began to get all giddy yesterday and panicky - which I know makes it worse. Its just so scary isn't it when all of a sudden you feel like you're on a rocky ferry !

I have had this before and know it passes so try not to worry (I know how hard it is) I have had a tension headache for about 3 days now and can even feel a lot of pressure in my ears (like they need to pop) so I'm guessing they're all related.

Have you got any relaxation cd's to take your mind off it? I sometimes try that - it makes me calm enough to say "Ok, I'm not scared - it will pass" and it does usually help

Let me know how you get on [:X]

PS Daisybun has kindly just PM'd me some great tips & exercises that she has used for vertigo, and i'm sure she wouldn't mind me passing them on to you (thanks again Daisy :D) - perhaps if it carries on get your inner ear etc checked by your Doctor and give these a try...

Practise 5 times a day. Control turning your head from left to right 5 times, eyes open and then closed. Then up and down 5 times, eyes open then closed. It can bring on the dizziness in a controlled way, you take your time, allow your brain to adjust

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

17-05-06, 11:40
8 months Katy OMG!!!!!!poor you.thanks Rachael for passing on the tips I will try it. Hope you are both ok today.

Luv Barb xxx

17-05-06, 16:21
This is one of my worst symptoms and have been suffering from it for 6 yrs. I've had mri scans for brain tumours, balance tests done all negative, the specialist said it was anxiety and it is, when I'm relaxed I don't get it.

17-05-06, 17:49
Hi Barb
As Miss Pink says that what I do as I suffer from vertigo, not much now though, its scary isn't it, you feel unreal, the worst is waking up after I've had an attack I just know I've had one but doing the exercises has helped me enormously. I would suggest that you do get checked out just to make sure you haven't got an ear infection hun if they carry on . Dizziness can be caused by neck tension which stops proper blood flow to balance mechanism in the ear, so you can release it by exercising gently - don't overdo it though sweetie, and i promise it won't be like forever!


'This too will pass'