View Full Version : Found a news story that may have helped my mum :(

16-09-11, 18:54
While randomly looking at latest headlines today i came across this story -


My mum had these marks on both her eyes for at least 4 years and she did ask the doctor what they were and she was told it was just a sign of ageing, she died 3 years ago at the age of 54 from a heart attack which was out of the blue, maybe if this study had been done sooner then she mightve had checks done and a problem found :(

i know its not good to dwel on a "what ifs" but i cant help it with this one!


16-09-11, 19:23
High cholesterol, being over weight, heart palpitations,stress, smoking, all increase your risk too.
I don't know how you can prevent it but for trying to stay healthy and taking baby asprin.
sorry about your mum :( :hugs: