View Full Version : help anyone awake

17-09-11, 03:03
:weep: not sure whats wrong with me just feel awefull i went to sleep for like 2 hours at 5 o clock today woke up had horrible feeling now im trying to get to sleep i have the same feeling witch is not nice i feel nausious hot headed unwell to be honest feel like a i have cramp in the back of my arms omg im so worried i hate being like this :weep::weep:

17-09-11, 03:08
The cramp is likely from muscle tension of the upper back, neck, shoulders.
Sounds like you have severe anxiety. Are you on any meds that help?

17-09-11, 03:10
no im not on any medication and i dont think it is anxiety i think im actually illwith somthing a cold flu i dont know what but it aint nice my heart is not going mad at the minuite im chilled with that bit thankfully but i just feel awefull and it is making me panic abit

17-09-11, 03:16
Try taking 2 paracetamol. If you are getting a cold it will make you feel better. Try to distract yourself from the anxiety. Know that you are not alone and there are others of us wakeful and afraid.

17-09-11, 03:17
What are you feeling physically?
I just had a bout of heart racing myself.

17-09-11, 03:21
well hearts not going yet im trying not to think about that. i just feel all nausious and well i cant explain the feeling its horrible and unknown. i hate it im gona pop paracetamol right now mirabelle :)

17-09-11, 03:24
Take the paracetamol and in 10 mins you will feel better. Your panic is making you feel worse. This is just anxiety and you will get thru it like you have so many times before and will do again. Chatting to people does help but you are your own safe person and your own safe place. Remember that it is your reactions that make you feel bad and not what is happening to you.

17-09-11, 03:24
Has your dr. cleared you with blood work of anything else, and maybe it is anxiety.

17-09-11, 03:27
i know its anxiety im as fit as a fox gym swimming i smoke yes but not 40 a day lol

allthough i did cook for mself today witch i never do bacon and egg butty i think i could have poisoned myself

i do have acid

17-09-11, 03:30
You haven't poisoned yourself. This is anxiety. You know this and you know it will pass. Use your techniques and know that you will get thru this. You are strong enough because you've done it before

17-09-11, 03:34
yes i know thankyou guys

17-09-11, 03:36
Feel better soon. Sending you hugs. x

17-09-11, 03:39
hugs x