View Full Version : Obsessing about people.....

17-09-11, 08:26
Does anyone find with their anxiety that they obsess over other peoples actions and attitudes towards you?

17-09-11, 22:49
Yes. I was in a shopping centre today and swiftly made for the exit. I got extremely paranoid about everyone looking at me, and felt the CCTV following my every move

17-09-11, 23:12
Yes, I do.

In the sense that I constantly worry what people are thinking about me, and the way I am, the way I look, etc, etc.

I also worry that I am being talked about in a derogatory sense.

I have always been like this since childhood. I can only put it down to lacking self-esteem and confidence as I have never had any.

I wouldn't even say that it has got worse since I have had anxiety as I have always been like that anyway, but maybe being a worrier and anxiety is one in the same, and being a worrier I am predisposed to full blown anxiety.:shrug:xxx

17-09-11, 23:48
When people are rude to me I replay what happened in my head over and over and then feel stressed and angry :(

sometimes I replay what I did or said and worry about how I came across :(

I'm not as bad but it can be hard to switch off my brain sometimes.

17-09-11, 23:53
I will tend to replay moments or words over and over too. And yes it just ramps up the emotions and only serves to make me miserable. Useless worry.

18-09-11, 11:45
Thanks guys, its nice to know we are not alone in this xx