View Full Version : A virus or something else?

17-09-11, 09:52
For the past couple of days I've been having muscle aches all over my body, the same muscle pain you get when you have the flu. It waxes and wanes. I also sometimes get cold chills, but that passes, too. (also had these before)
I do not have a fever that I know of (don't have a thermometer), my head doesn't feel heated.

Since yesterday evening I got a bit dizzy/lightheaded but not to the point that I cannot function and everything moves around me. This night I woke up and my intestines were rumbling, and now I'm feeling a bit queasy as well. I don't have to vomit. My appetite is a bit less.

I googled my symptoms, but I better not have done that. I currently have my period, and use tampons, and the above could also be signs of Toxic Shock Syndrome, although I do not know if you would get the above symptoms in a much worse way. :( It scares me a lot, since you can die from it.

It could also be a virus, or my body telling me that I have to slow down. I had a very busy month so far, and next Saturday is my best friend's wedding, where I am maid of honor. I hope I feel better before then :(

So scared at the moment...

paula lynne
17-09-11, 13:41
Hi, it sounds like a virus. You sound like you need to rest up as youve been very busy. Maybe your immune system is a bit off......try to eat little and often, put your feet up, try and relax as much as possible.
TSS is very very rare, Im sure you dont have it.
See how you feel after your period is finished, that can make us shattered on its own cant it!
Drink plenty of water, and suck mints or brush your teeth to help with the nausea.
Get well soon, look after yourself, best wishes.
Paula x

17-09-11, 16:33
Thank you Paula, for the soothing words. :) I'll try to take your advice and take it easy for a while. I don't feel worse than this morning, in fact a bit better. I ate some fruit and a bit of chocolate :blush: and right now some fried rice is cooking on the stove. My intestines still rumble but the queasy feeling is much less. Also the dizziness is better. I went outside for a bit to plant violets. I hope I will continue to feel better. I guess I can take TSS off the list, phew! Like you said it's most likely my body telling me to rest.

paula lynne
19-09-11, 10:10
Glad you feel a little better x