17-05-06, 11:36
Hi all,

I've not been on for a while but this is because I've been making a few steps in the right direction. For one thing I stopped the citalopram as the tiredness that I felt from them was unreal so now I just excercise and eat more healthily which I find keeps my thought busy and gives me more get up and go.

Also as some of you know I have been in a very bad relationship for a long time of which was making me miserable. I thought that their was no way out of it because we have children together and I was miles from home, but a couple of weeks ago I had said to myself 'enough is enough'. I was soo miserable and the only person to give a crap about me was me, so the only one to change it was me. I new that I had to get away but felt guilty for some reason. I did though, I left him!! I'm now living with my kids at my mums house. It's a bit of queeze but hey I'm happy and the kids are happy.

I look at my life like a shoe box (daft I know but it will make sense) and I like all of my things to be originised, but alot of things in my shoe box weren't ie my relationship so I just took them out. I decided that everything that made my shoebox untidy or didn't fit just had to go so that I could keep a lid on things. I told my councellor this and she thought it was great that I was making soo many possitive changes and off my own back that she wants to reduce how offten I go to see her! [8D] .

I really feel like I'm moving forward with my life, I do know that what I'm doing isn't a cure for my issues and problems but it helps and like I say it's a step in the right direction. I mean a year ago this month was when I had my first PA and I thought the world was coming to an end and that my life was over and here I am now a year on and doing millions better. Alot of my progress has been down to having you guys int he begining to help me understand and realise I wasn't the only one, what a difference that can make to someone like me. You have all been wonderfull in your support and I just want to say THANK YOU!! I know that I have been difficult in the past and some of you aren't my biggest fan but I even want to say THANK YOU to you guys too for putting up with me. I have been thru soo many hard times of late and have been unbarable. Hopefully all this is about to change and things will happen the way I'm hoping them to.

For all of you out there reading this that have the same issues as me, just realise that it's YOU that has to change and take life buy the horns and go in the direction that will make you happy. At the end of the day life is way to short, live life don't just exist. Get out their make friends, socialise, go to that party with all those people, go to the job interview that you dont' think you will get, just do all these things for the experiance if nothing else. I dont' want to when I come to die have a belly full of regrets of the things that I coulda and shoulda done. It's all about PMA (Possitive Mental Attitude) if you approach things possitively then you will find that it will be a good experiance but if your negative then as you know it wont even be an experiance cause you just wont go. Be possitive!

I really do wish all of you the best and trust me there is a light at the end of the tunnel you just have to find out where.

Take Care all of you


Oh and lucy I'm SORRY!! I really especially wish you all the best and hope that you to find your light at the end of the tunnel.

17-05-06, 11:51
What a fab thread
Thanks for the inspiration.

Good luck for the future!

Hay x

17-05-06, 11:53
Hi Claire

So pleased to hear your news & that you found strength & courage to leave your your partner.

Well done hun & i wish you all the best for the future with your children.

You are an inspiration

Take good care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

17-05-06, 12:16
Hi Claire, thats brilliant news, that must have taken a lot of courage, good on you girl. Good luck for the future.

Luv Barb xxx

17-05-06, 13:41
what a good read very possitive and gives me hope..thank you good luck in the future hun xx

jools xx

17-05-06, 18:41
Just want to say thank you guys for your replies. This too will be you one day writing in the success story thread :D .


17-05-06, 19:30
hi claire

just read your post just now...

im really sorry to hear about you and other half... you do what makes you happy hun ok...

i wish you all the best of luck in the world.. and im sorry aswell hun ok.

all the best :D

lucy xx

17-05-06, 20:20
Great that you are doing so well Claire.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

17-05-06, 23:50
So pleased your doing great Claire.

Well Done you!

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

17-05-06, 23:50
So pleased your doing great Claire.

Well Done you!

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

18-05-06, 00:41
Well done Claire I am so pleased everything is working out well for you, good luck with everything that you do in the future.

Onwards and upwards

take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

18-05-06, 08:15
just wanted to say well done!sounds like ur on the way to sucess!keep it up hun take care luv mooxXx

19-05-06, 01:15
hi claire,

pleased to read that you are ok and looking forward so positively, take care .. andrew

19-05-06, 08:40
Thanks guys for your support :D.

Today I get my stuff put into storage and am going to see about a house starting to get a little nervous but I think that is because I have like a few hours before I need to pack up the last 6 years of my life into boxes for them to go into a big storage container. All for the greater good though.

Cheers again all


19-05-06, 09:57
Claire - wish you all the best hun!!:D:D:D

Piglet xxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-05-06, 11:27
Well thats all my stuff in storage and on monday I hand over the keys and sign tenancy over to him. I really can't wait till that is done as it is the last thing to tie me to him and that city.

Still no word from the housing agencies, I think that will probably be a good few weeks yet. I can wait tho. As yet no regrets and still feeling possitive so that has to be good :). All I need is some decent weather up here and my world is just rosy lol!

Cheers all of you xxx

Take Carexx


21-05-06, 13:20
hi claire

you sound really positive about where your going?? wish i was the same still waiting on new house getting built.. im actually thinking of going ahead with just getting one of the older back and front doors...

anyway hun whats happening with you getting a brand new built house.. aww does that mean your not getting one??

I do really hope everything works out for you and the kids hun.

take care
love lucy x

22-05-06, 16:09
Hey lucy,

If I were you I would take one of the older ones based on the fact that these new ones you can't swing a cat!!! But yes that does mean that I don't get my new house, ray is going to see if he can still get it so that he can have the kids over night - LMAO not on his nelly!!! I don't even trust the man to let the dog out and give him water he wouldn't get my kids even if I died!!! lol!!!

I've sent you a pm xx

Take Carexx


22-05-06, 16:14
Hi Claire

Glad things are moving along for you.

Thinking of you

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

10-06-06, 15:10
Just a little update, been really busy getting things sorted. I have a house that I'm going to view after the 3rd of July, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna take it as it's in my desired location. I have found out about all the help I can get from places to carpet and furnish my new place due to my circumstance and it's great what help their is! Things are looking on the up everyday!

Ty to all of you for your support.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

10-06-06, 18:37
Great news Claire.

Hope all goes well for you with the move etc.


02-08-06, 12:50
I'm still waiting on my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(:(:([V]

The housing only got the keys back last friday!! Everthing just seems to being crap for me!

My up beat attitude to all of this has most certainly left the building. I even made the mistake of believing that **** and his lies and taking him back, he's gone again now! I think he just wanted one last time where he could kick me in the teeth to be honest!!!

I now get harrassing phone calls from him day and night saying that he's gonna end it cause he doesn't have me and the kids!! Even though he was the one who walked out after only 2 weeks of his last chance!! I know I have brought all of this onto myself by taking him back, what the hell was I thnking?! to come so far and to let that **** get the better of me!

I just want him out of my life forever, but how do Ido that? He's just always gonna be there, waiting!

Things are really far from good for me at the moment. Infact I'm probably at an all time low, my anxiety is back with avengence I'm tense and uptight. I can't sleep! I'm comfort eating like their is a food shortage upon us!!

Things just never go good for long eh!

Just needed to vent so cheers to whoever had read this

onwards and upwards

03-08-06, 13:37
Oh hun ,i amso sorry.Dont beat yourself up over this setback.Look at all you HAVE achieved.We all do these thigs,hopng those we love will change ,they never do!You havr to acceptthatand move on with your life.His phone calls are a pain,HE is PAIN!!he may be waiting in the wings ,but you dont have to watch him!Put him out of your mind and start building again..thids time knwing you will be free in your heart,thatis where we are free after all,if we dont care it cant hurt !!God luck hun,love maryrose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

03-08-06, 15:45
TY mary rose that was a really positive reply :D

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

10-08-06, 13:14
Ok here is the latest up in the soap opera I like to call my life!

The housing officer went to see my house and found it was infested with flea's!!! I mean how can people live in a house like that ffs!! anyhoo enviromental health have been in and solved that problem. Now all the housing officer needs to do is make her list of repairs and then set a date for me to veiw it!!:D[^]. She is snowed under at the mo but hopes to have me veiw it by next wednesday!! WOOHOO!!!:D sorry couldn't hold that in,lol.

Also that **** has gottent he idea this time that he has well and truly blown it. He's wanting to take the kids to the pictures on saturday, but wont hold my breath.

Things are looking good again, so please keep your fingers crossed for me peeps I can't be doing with yet another let down [V]

Well take carexx and ty for reading


onwards and upwards

12-08-06, 16:40
hi claire

well that is good news hun!!! hurry up and get in that house and we;ll come up and see you and kids hun..

not long to go now eh!!

speak soon hun
lucy xxxx

12-08-06, 20:31
Aww ty hun, cheers for the reply, was begining to think I was all alone then :( lmao

Take carexx


onwards and upwards

23-10-08, 22:05
Well everyone, it's now 3 and a bit years since my first PA, 2 years since I left that waste of space.

I've succesfully gone a year without a full blown panic attack, have had baby number 4!! crazy I know!! and am married :D

I have just kept pushing myself, and trying to do the best for me and my children. Thats not to say that I don't have my bad days. Been having a few of late, but that could of been all the stresses that came with the wedding.

Onwards and Upwards is defo the way I'm going :)

23-10-08, 22:25
Well you have been busy hun.:yesyes:

Piglet :flowers: