View Full Version : Hi im Looking for friend with Generalised Anxiety Disorder

17-09-11, 15:19
Hi, Im a 24 year old female from south Wales. I was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder since May this year. Im looking for other people with Generalised Anxiety Disorder to have a chat with.




17-09-11, 20:00
Hey I'm 24 and was diagnosed with GAD in May too!! I'd be happy to chat with you - I can be a bit forgetful when it comes to replying though, I try my best!! :)

eight days a week
17-09-11, 20:25
Hi Lisa,

Pete in Kent here, sufferer of GAD/panic attacks and depression for a few years now, nice to meet you :)

18-09-11, 17:24
Hiya Lisa, I am a woman who's 31 and also had GAD. Happy to chat to you.

18-09-11, 18:41

I have never been diagnosed with anxiety never mind anxiety that is so specific. I have had a lot of tests for everything else and they just keep saying they cant find nothing. Do you think I should go back to my doctor and push for a diagnosis? What tests did you have done to confirm it was GAD?


24-10-11, 15:13
Hi there, after suffering on and off with panic for years I am now having some trouble with GAD due to a build up of life stressors I guess. Am a 34 year old female and had issues since I was 19, but somewhere in my head I believe I can get out of this and can make it better - love to chat any time!


24-10-11, 15:57
You have come to the right place you will have many friends here

24-10-11, 16:03
Hi there, after suffering on and off with panic for years I am now having some trouble with GAD due to a build up of life stressors I guess. Am a 34 year old female and had issues since I was 19, but somewhere in my head I believe I can get out of this and can make it better - love to chat any time!



you've gained another friend welcome, I to have GAD due to over worrying life stress issues.


24-10-11, 18:16
I Have GAD too,i'm happy to chat.

expecto patronum
25-10-11, 13:30
Hi Lisa, welcome to NMP. I'm Ros, I'm 29 and I have had GAD since about 18.

25-10-11, 14:14
Hiya - welcome to the website =)

I'm 17 and have suffered from GAD and Panic attacks for 18months now. They're so horrible! Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to =)

Take care

Hannah x

28-10-11, 07:29
Hi, I have Gad & would like to chat with you x

28-10-11, 17:25
hi i am from south wales 2 welcome

28-10-11, 19:01
i have gad anytime you need to chat pm me

28-10-11, 20:53
Hi There, Im Sarah I'm 37 and have GAD since I was 17. It has gotten worse as the yeas have gone on. Although life can be difficult at times I have managed to get married and I have two children and hold down a pt job in social services. Im free to chat !:yesyes:

29-10-11, 13:38
Hi there I might be too old I guess but here goes anyway !! I have suffered from Anxiety since a little girl. Not good. I also suffer with Dental phobia as well, and Hospital phobias as well. I am 55 in december, if you feel like a chat I am up for it . regards Amandah