View Full Version : whats goin on with me??

17-05-06, 11:50
me again ..ok ive been on prozac 21 days now, i do feel much better, but i dont seem to WANT to go anywhere! i dont feel afraid(dont think) its like i cant be botherd, im not depressed, so why do i feel like this?
help?? any sugestions would be great! xx

jools xx

17-05-06, 11:57
Hi jools, I wonder if its your bodys way of saying "take it easy".

I know if ive had alot of anxiety it can make me feel not bothered in doing things and glad to be at home. I really wouldnt look too much into it, as long as you are taking good care of yourself and taking vitamins to boost your energy then it should pass soon.

also whats that yogurt with probiotics thats supposed to pick you up ?


17-05-06, 13:07
thanks mirry maybe your right..hope so! i know what you mean the pro,biotics cant think of name i will try them too ..
thanks againxx

jools xx

17-05-06, 13:32
i feel the same most of the time mirry!!Sort of cant be bothered feeling??I dont think i am depressed??it may be fear with me tho,i spose if i dont do anything totest itiwont know wil i?but i really cant be bothered!!That aint heped you one jot has it[lol]just thought i'd share!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

17-05-06, 13:37
hi mary rose
think you hit the nail on the head!!! i think it might be i dont want to test that i feel better, i hadnt thought of that but reading your post ..i think must be it! but does feel like cant be botherd will have to force myself to go out and test it arghhhhh..lol xxx

jools xx

17-05-06, 13:41
Best of luck with it jools,i thinkwe can easily get stuck in the 'cant e bothered mode!'It feels safe and kinda easy in here[my house]i must try and get out more,i aint walked to the shops 4 bout 6 years!!nowonder i got a sofa shaped a==e[lol]let us know how you do mate!love mary-rose.xx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

17-05-06, 22:18
thanks mary rose ..i promised partner i would go walking round shops tomorrow havent done that in ages.... so wish me luck i will let you know how i get on xx

jools xx

19-05-06, 18:45
hi just an update!
i didnt get to shops,and was meant to go tescos with two friends but got that yucky sicky feeling and didnt go..its not a panic attack just sick feeling but scares me arghhhhhh!!!!! i know i must push myself but finding it hard to go anywhere. my safe space is tiny now !! im just ranting sorry xxx

jools xx