View Full Version : starting citalopram AGAIN!!!

17-09-11, 19:27
Hi i came off citalopram in june after gradually reducing my dose monthly but due to some major life difficulties ive had to face i started suffering anxiety and panic attacks again :weep: due to me and my hubby planning on having another baby in the near future my doc decided to put me on a pregnancy safe AD dosuelpin which i stuck at for 5 wks but it didnt touch my anxiety and even tho ive never suffered actual depression b4 this made me just want to stay in bed, cry and feel the lowest ive ever felt b4, so i made the decision to start citalopram again and to put having a baby on a back burner until i feel strong enough, Im now on day 5 of taking 10mg which i plan to increase on tues after its been a week to 20mg, i was absoutley petrified of starting cit again as they always heighten my anxiety at first so was also prescribed some 2mg of diazepam to help with this which i have needed to take about twice a day, side effects not been 2 bad, my worst time is mornings i wake up gittery, shakey and my heart pounding and this is when i take a diazepam along with my cit, today has been my best day so far touch wood!!! hardly any anxiety apart from my usual morning wobble!! i even managed to walk into town and then go for a pub lunch with my hubby and son :D Ive noticed alot of u increase ur doses in 5mg's just wondered how u did this e.g pill cutter?? i am very wary of increasing on tues to 20mg more so as my mum is away for 2 weeks and shes my comfort blanket!! even tho im 31!! lol, just wondered what u guys thought i should do? sorry for the long post!!
Nicola xx

17-09-11, 21:19

I had to start taking citalopram again a couple a years ago. I must say the second time round the initial anxiety was much much worse and I won't lie it was a struggle. However I came out the other side eventually and it was worth it. Changing from 10 to 20mg made no difference to the overall anxiety at the time, which was sky high.

That was my experience 2nd time round and I wasn't in a good place when I started them so that could have something to do with it. I'm glad your doctor gave you something to help (diazapam), mine said " you just have to suck lemons and see". Very inspiring words at the time - not!


17-09-11, 22:18
Thanks fr ur reply megan, i do usually go straight from 10 to 20 after a week but just wary as like i said my mums away and if im bad with my anxiety she always seems to be able to calm me down, my hubby tries but bless him he doesnt really understand and my mums been thro the same so shes my comfort blanket......................how inconsiderate of them to bugger off on their jollies when i need them here!!! lol. think ill just take the plunge and go up to 20 on tues and use my diazepam if needed, its v scarey tho but hey ill get there and come out the other side soon enough!!
Thanks Nicola xx

19-09-11, 15:34
Thanks fr ur reply megan, i do usually go straight from 10 to 20 after a week but just wary as like i said my mums away and if im bad with my anxiety she always seems to be able to calm me down, my hubby tries but bless him he doesnt really understand and my mums been thro the same so shes my comfort blanket......................how inconsiderate of them to bugger off on their jollies when i need them here!!! lol. think ill just take the plunge and go up to 20 on tues and use my diazepam if needed, its v scarey tho but hey ill get there and come out the other side soon enough!!
Thanks Nicola xx

Hi Nicoa

I am on citalopram at the moment and finding second time round a struggle I am bad the last few days. I went on them last year and it took bout 3 months for me to feel well and i did a stupid thing and stopped because I felt great that was a bad bad move I went right down again. so I am back on them and they are taking longer to kick in.

Can I just say about you wanting to have another baby. My cousin was on 40mg of citalopram when she got pregnant she had her lovely baby and the baby is 1 now, and my cousin is still on 40mg and thy are both fine. but you gp would help you with this, good luck.

Cathy xx

19-09-11, 15:40

I had to start taking citalopram again a couple a years ago. I must say the second time round the initial anxiety was much much worse and I won't lie it was a struggle. However I came out the other side eventually and it was worth it. Changing from 10 to 20mg made no difference to the overall anxiety at the time, which was sky high.

That was my experience 2nd time round and I wasn't in a good place when I started them so that could have something to do with it. I'm glad your doctor gave you something to help (diazapam), mine said " you just have to suck lemons and see". Very inspiring words at the time - not!


Hi megan

I was wandering how are you feeling now and how long did the citalopram take this time round for you to feel good? I am like you I have gone back on them a 2nd time but they seem to be taking ages to kick in. and the side affects have been worse. last year i stopped cold turkey because I felt soo good. I should have stayed on them. This time I will. I just want them to start working. My mornings are horendous and I have so much fear.

Cathy xx

19-09-11, 19:14
Hi cathy thanks for ur reply, im now on 15mg of cit, plan to go up to 20 on wed, ive not found side effects too bad this time round compared to last time!! mornings r my worse aswel, i feel awful and still need to take a 2mg diazepam to calm my anxiety down!! saying that tho i think the cits r starting to kick in considering this time last wk i was sat rocking on my sofa!! Thanks for letting me know about ur cousin, it is going to be something i will be looking into and speaking to my doctor about when i feel better, hope u start to feel the effects soon, when i feel my anxiety creeping up i tend to give myself a telling off in my head and a sort of pull yourself together thought which seems to be working!! lol
Nicola xx