View Full Version : I'm Stephanie and I have GAD and its driving me crazy!

17-09-11, 22:24
I have had this for a number of years, recently my doctor has recognised my symptoms and has diagnosed me with GAD.

I constantly worry about the same things, I go to the doctors thinking I'm dying of something for example a cancer in my neck or breast because of a little lump i've found... And they always say its nothing but I never believe them and continue to worry.. I must have been to the doctors at last 10 times asking about the same things which worry me.
Anyway I am currently seeing a anxiety specialist at the moment but I still find my anxiety gets so extreme at night and I cannot sleep :/

17-09-11, 22:25
Hi Stephni

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-09-11, 22:26
I come from east anglia and I am 20 years old.

17-09-11, 22:33
Hi stephni
Welcome..I think you'll find lots of people here ( like me!) who understand what your feeling..and I've found that really helps. Glad your doc has referred you to a specialist..that's great .
Im sitting here worrying about going to bed so you're not on you're own.
Hope you get some of the support you need from nmp and hope you have a calmish night.

17-09-11, 22:36
Thank you for your reply.
I also have a new job which is good because I find myself occupied during the day so I don't think about things as much.. But it all comes back to me when I get home.
I really want to stop it getting to me so much but I feel like it takes control of me and I can't win :(

17-09-11, 22:48
Steph..I know exactly what you mean..I haven't stopped goin to work cos it's distraction and keeps me distracted. I even go in when I feel rubbish!
You're doing really well if you can go to work..but I know what you mean..it's a bit like it all comes flooding in when there's nothing to distract you.
It sounds impossible but I really believe we can get the control back..I haven't quite got there yet..but one day at a time..exhausting tho isn't it?

17-09-11, 22:51
Yeah bad thing is I work loads now and have to miss appointments with my GAD specialist like this Tuesday!
My worry at the moment is this lump in my neck that I've had most my life and have seen a doctor for it about 4 times.
I feel relieved for a while and then I think ''did they feel the right lump'' , ''were they just dismissing me because I have GAD''

17-09-11, 22:58
Have you had a look at the stuff on the left of the homepage..I didn't know what I had was health anxiety until I found this site! It's really really hard..But if you look thru the threads on here you'll find loads of people with the same issues..and veryvwise people who can give support and reassurance

17-09-11, 23:04
Thank you for being the first person to talk to me on here, really appreciate it! Felt like I was going to have a panic attack but you helped me fight it , thank you so much !

17-09-11, 23:12
Hey you're welcome..let's hope we both have a good night..I'm gonna find mindless telly or do a bit of mindless Facebook.
Welcome again and hope you manage to get what you need. We'll chat again soon I'm sure :)