View Full Version : Going back to work after 2 years...HELP!!!

17-05-06, 13:41
Hiya guys

been off work due to anxiety and panic since january 2004, started doing some voluntary work in the same nursery my mum works in for the past year but thats only 2 mornings a week.
i had this crazy idea i wanted to go to work again so i put an application form in at a bar/resturant my friend works in for some shifts waitressing.

Well i got an interview, and i got the job! that was hard enough to go too.. i felt so ill with all the symptoms we all know so well!

I start 2mro, but now i dont think i can do it.. its about 4 hour shift. im not used to being anywhere from home for so long, let alone by myself. theyv put me down for thursday friday sat and sun lunches.. 4 days in a row!!

think i might have jumped in with both feet to quickly, but i cant let them down.. i dont no what to do.
and to top it all off iv woke up with a stinkin cold today and i can hardly swallow feels like iv got razors in my throat!

Really really worried about it, and of making a fool of myself with the panic symptoms.

any advice? would be so grateful, thanks.


17-05-06, 13:49
hi bubblestar..
well done you for going for it.. i did the same in 93 and stuck at the job for two years loved it! left because had to home tutor daughter then pa's came back!!! went back on meds tried to go for job and got it i only did one day then left was to soon for me! but i dont want that to put you off as i did it before and it was the best thing i did and i will go back agauin soon ...give it a try the nerves are normal for everyone going to new job i truely hope it works out for you i bet youll love it.. best of luck and a big hug for reassurence ((((((((((hug)))))) xx

jools xx

17-05-06, 13:51
Well done for getting the job! Do you think it is a cold or anxiety? Take some Lemsip for the cold if it is. You've come so far I bet and this is the start of something new, you are bound to be nervous but what a boost and what an achievement - go for it, take a deep breath, think about all you've got to offer and have confidence in you. I don't know if you are on any meds but i found when I went back to work I just took rescue remedy, in water it just looks like your being good and drinking you 2 litres a day.
Good luck, let us know how it goes


'This too will pass'

17-05-06, 13:57
ooh bubble,i think what you have done is fabulous,going 4 the interview,getting the job[they saw in you a person they wanted in their pub,sociable and friendly or you would not have got it!!]now all this is is NORMAL NEW JOB NERVES!Dont let it escalate into any thing more hun!Dont think ooh i will be away 4 hours,just go and enjoy it and the time wil fly!We could all suggest tips like breathing ,and remedies etc,so yep if these help use them.But i think if you break the fear cycle with this job ,you will be free.I got a good feeling about this for you hun.Gargle some salt water for your throat,or even better come soluable asprin,works like a charm but dont swallow it.Cant wait to hear how you get on,ooh i am all excited 4 you!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

17-05-06, 14:12
thanks so much for these quick responses!!

thats a good idea to take the rescue remedy in water, saves me trying to find a way to conceal taking some, as i live on the stuff!! also take alot of homeopathic remedies so il be keeping my Argent Nit in my pocket!
i kind of forget, because im always so nervous that if i didnt have this anxiety id probably be nervous anyways as its natural!

i really hope this is a turning point, as i can b so confident and able if the anxiety isnt there. i know i can do, its just not letting it get to me.

il let you know how it goes!! anyone else with words of wisdom please feel free to add!


17-05-06, 14:34
Oh well done for getting the job bubblestar!!
I can remember doing a similar thing to you in a more confident moment! deciding to go for a job and getting it, then thinking 'what have i let myself in for?!) My job was in a hotel. I can remember my first day and yes i did have a panic attack. BUT WAIT!! I carried on, and thought 'well so what? these symptoms arn't going to stop me, i have still got two arms and legs!' The next day was better as the fear of the unknown was gone, and i continued working there right up till i had my 2nd child! (about 2 years i think)
Hope my story will help you,
Good Luck Love India xxx

marie ross
17-05-06, 16:25
Hi bubblestar,

Well done on getting so far, i would'nt worry to much about your nerves, i expect its the same for everyone when they first start a new job. I work in a bar for 4 hours a day, when i first started it was just 3 days a week now its crept up to 5 days. And i love it!!!!! Of course when i first started i was a wreck but now i've got to know all the regular customers we have such a laugh, and if i feel a bit anxious i keep myself busy or start a conversation with a customer and before i know it, its gone. I know it feels scary but believe me in a few weeks time you will have forgot how worried and anxious you were!!!! Good luck for tommorrow you'll do great.

Take care.

Marie XXX

18-05-06, 12:05
how did yu get on hun??we are all hoping you had a good day,do let us know.I pictured you there all confident and smiley.Hope yur throat beter too!Hey if it all went belly up that ok too you know so do share!love mary-rose,xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

18-05-06, 12:26
Well Done!

I have recently gone back to work after sickness due to anxiety and you should see this as a postive step for you, you have obviously come across very well in the interview and have shown you can do the job which you can! The first few minutes are a bit nerve racking but this will be a huge step in moving forward, it helps to take your mind off your anxiety and I wish you the best of Luck!

Take Care

Wendy xx

18-05-06, 12:37
Just remember mate that you must have felt at least on one level that you could do this or you wouldn't even had gone for an interview.

I think you will do just great but you can take some of the pressure off by remembering you do have choices - you chose to take the job and you can choose whether or not it suits you at anytime you like.

So go for it knowing that trying always means we are suceeding.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

18-05-06, 14:53
hi bubble star, i know how you feel i havent worked for over 3 years and want to work again, i went to the jobcentre to see a DEA about getting me back to work slowly, so im now going on a new deal scheme which prepares you to go back to work by gaining your confidence etc. If you find going back to much go to your jobcentre and see if they can help.

18-05-06, 17:15
Hi Bubble

Congrats on getting the job thats brilliant news.

I hope that all went well today for you.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

18-05-06, 19:28
I did it!!!!

felt really anxious before i left, and being full of cold that didnt help either.. but i dragged myself along.. having to drive this clapped out old rust bucket the garage had given me as mine was having its brake hoses replaced or something! so i had a different car to contend with too but i parked up and walked in, feeling ok!

was working with another waitress who was really bubbly and friendly and she showed me what to do, and before i knew it 5 hours!!! yes 5! had passed and id done the whole shift and was clocking out!!
felt so good to know id done, im so proud of myself!

only thing iv got to get over now is actually being able to stomach eating, and eating whilst im there.. as im terrible if im out, as it makes me anxious if i no iv got a full belly i could be sick!
so i got home starving hungry.. but i worked! yey!!!

back tomrrow.. and the next day and the next day!

thanks for all your kind words and encouragemnt! il keep you all posted on my progress. heres to maybe a new and more confident happy me. :D


marie ross
18-05-06, 19:32
Well done,

Knew you could do it!!! You should be feeling really proud of yourself.

Take care.

Marie XXX

18-05-06, 23:56
well done bubblestar .. tc andrew

19-05-06, 09:32
Fantastic - well done :D

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-05-06, 12:28
Hi guys just thought id leave an update.

worked 4 days shifts in a row! thats 20.5 hrs, more than ive ever done in 1 week... EVER!! anxiety has been with me since aged 14, so iv never had a proper job, just part time, or as and when.
working 3 shifts this week, and what id totally forgotten about was the money! so worried about actually doing it, toally forgot i was gonna get paid! so im gonna blow the lot and treat myself to new clothes, then maybe next week il start saving a bit!

N x

23-05-06, 12:32
Well done!!!! :D

No stopping you now you've done this you can do anything

Wendy x

marie ross
23-05-06, 16:17

Brilliant!!!!! Are you really enjoying it, is everyone nice????

Have fun spending all that money!!!!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX