View Full Version : chest bad tightness, scared feeling

18-09-11, 21:54
Hi, Im suffering badly with gad, its the physical symptoms that upset me the most. This week I've had the tight chest, really overwhelming at times, previously the tightness in the throat, feeling that I may stop breathing. Been so bad its been suggested I go into a home of some type to recover, Is this possible on the nhs. So worried I've become such a mess its really upset my girlfriend and we have just had a baby as well.

19-09-11, 09:33
Who suggested you go into a home of some sort??? Gather it was not your GP. The nhs can only really off voluntary in patient on a mental health ward and believe me unless you are very bad you do not want to go near one of those. I am not condemning them as such they do a good job when people are in a bad way but not something you do as a rest cure!

There are lots of retreats etc where you can go and take time out from life and are usually run by religious orders and do not have to cost much but can't think of anything else and certainly not on the nhs.

The stress of a new baby will not help anxiety disorders but try to focus on your new baby rather than yourself and your symptoms might??? ease off a bit.

I asume you have talked all this through with your Dr??I

19-09-11, 10:26
Hi there, I am new on this page. I am still not sure if I am suffering from anxiety. Please advise, I have had this problem for almost 6 years now, it is always severe during summer. It started when my best friend passed away and for some reason I couldnt stop grieving even after weeks, before i knew it I started feeling unwell for about 2 weeks and had epigastric pains which got worse each day so I went to the doctors, they carried out all possible tests, from blood tests, scans and endoscopy which showed nothing but I was in soooo much pain and with all those weird symptoms. This went on for months and got better in winter of 2007. I was much better but I still exprienced tummy problems but with no weird symptoms. In 2009, it flared up again, started by uncontrollable worrying, to feeling unwell and severe epigastric pain again and the cycle began and intensified. I went to hospital several times but all results were ok, including HIV, another endoscopy, x-ray and scan. Last year I had a baby and during the pregnancy i was ok until towards the end when my brother passed and the symptoms appeared again but for some reason when I went into labour and had the baby normally the symptoms disappeared until this year in May while i was doing my exams...the cycle began as usual and it gradually got worse and worse and I have been very ill to the point of not being able to work or even take care of my children. I get almost all of the symptoms mentioned on this website but mine seem to be ongoing, its like a roller coster, i get better and before i know it iam back again and all I can say that its horrrrrrible and scary...Please advise me as I am at edge right now, I am so fed up of waking up feeling unwell and scared to face the day. I will be very grateful to hear from you with an advice because for some reason I keep thinking there is something horribly wrong with my body that the doctors have missed out, but why are the attacks so severe and worse during summer seasons? Thank you for listening. Hoping to hear from you soon. Mendez

19-09-11, 12:06
I haven't talked at enough length with my doctor as yet, I don't think they really understand. Just keep giving me Anti depressants, Ive got sertraline to take now, tried two others but they didnt agree. It was the mother in law who suggested i go in somewhere, she said a friend had done so and is much better now, but a mental home sounds ridiculous, Im not MAD! I'm just such a mess, chest pain, and today the anxiety is attacking my throat, feels restricted. I run my own business(cleaning) and am scared silly I won't be able to continue and lose it all, Ive spent so much time building it up and we have a good living, so frightened Its all gonna go and ill be left poor on benefits! Just can't kick these physical symptons, and even if I don't panic about them, the tightness just hangs around all day and makes me misrable. My girlfriend just keeps telling me to be positive, but how can I when I wake every day with a nasty physical feeling.

19-09-11, 13:22
You mention you run a cleaning business so do you actually get physical every day and do some of the cleaning??? If you do then this could be a good explanation of your symptoms due to over use of muscles etc which combined with anxiety would mean you would have all sorts of physical problems.

I have neck trouble and I get the strangled feeilng round throat as well and this is coming from tightening of the neck muscles.

19-09-11, 14:53
I do the cleaning myself yes but I know its anxiety as it comes and goes. Sometimes ill feel bad throat go the morning and once I start cleaning, it goes away, the distraction thing. Today I couldn't manage to go out cause the throat is so tight, but I've just told the people I can't make it but will come tomorrow and my throat is going off.

19-09-11, 16:38
If it goes away with distraction that's a good thing.
It means your brain can shut off from it.

I had this for months along with many other horrible symptoms & the more I focused on them the worse they got.

You don't need to go into a home...you're not mad..
You've got anxiety.

You need something to focus on.
Can you book a holiday, take a break??

19-09-11, 17:00
I feel sorry for you. I get this too and nobody understands apart from other anxious people. Have you tried crying?

19-09-11, 17:05
Think I may have to take a break, my main cleaning contract are very nice people, I think they would understand and hold the work open for me. Just feel at my wits end, my eyes just went all weird, can't stop crying, starting on some anti deppresants tonight, hope they help soon.

19-09-11, 20:02
Take a break!!!!!
Or you will go mad.

You need to get away from it for a while.
Your sanity is more important.

20-09-11, 12:12
Yes, I have got a friend to help out the rest of this week so I can rest up. Felt a little better this morning, managed some breakfast, started on the sertraline. Hoping they will start to take the edge off soon.

20-09-11, 13:11
I think it's the right thing to do - you need to rest!!!
Glad you're feeling better mate x

jo h
20-09-11, 23:59
I too am all consumed by exactly the same as you ...every day I wake up and wait for the chest pains to start..cant focus on anything else except this...oh and muscle twitching is driving me crazy too so I so know where you are coming from..I just want to feel healthy again:weep:

I hope you are feeling a little better ......xx
