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17-05-06, 13:43
Don't be impressed by how you feel at any given time.

This was a really important saying for me when I recovered. Recovery does not run in straight lines and it is important not to be to impressed by how we feel at any given time.

If I felt overwhelmed at a certain time I just used to say "Hey It's ok to feel like this" This stopped all the " Oh no why do I feel like this" "Why is happening now", it also stopped me trying to keep a grip on myself, trying to stop the feelings coming.

Just something that really helped me recover, the more I kept saying it the easier I was able to get through these times, it just came automatic to accept how I felt at any one given time.

Just thought I would share this with you

Take care



17-05-06, 13:47
Thanks Paul
I'm keeping a note of these!!


'This too will pass'

17-05-06, 14:24
thanks paul just been on your website its very inspirational.. i will order your book at end of the month ..look forward to reading it .xx

jools xx

marie ross
17-05-06, 17:11
Thank you Paul,

One thing i noticed on your home page, was lack of emotion, i thought that it was just me. Its onething i want back badly, sometimes i just feel numb, can anyone else understand???

Will definately be buying your book.

Thanks again, Marie XXX

17-05-06, 17:42
Hi marie,

We do tend to feel numb, but normal feelings do return, it realy is just our bodies way of protecting us. I used to feel like I was defrosting through recovery, like normal emotions were coming back with time.

Sometimes I used to forget what normal feelings felt like, so again don't be too concerned that you feel a little numb at this time, normal feelings do return marie.

The main thing is we don't beat ourselves up on how we feel, once we learn to step out of our bodies way it really can bring certain feelings back that we thought we had lost forever.

Take care



marie ross
17-05-06, 18:44

Thanks very much, you really have put my mind at rest, its just hard to laugh, cry and sometime love at the moment.

Marie XXX

18-05-06, 00:14
Awwwwwww marie I know it feels hard to feel emotins at the moment, but hey i felt nothing for a while and now I do otherwise i would not be posting to people like yourself, breaks my heart to see others suffer.

You stay strong marie you will get there, but hey if it is hard to cry then we can leave that one out hey : )

Take care

