View Full Version : Tiny bright red flecks? and small red area

17-05-06, 13:43
On my arm I first noticed a small red patch and I thought oh ****, what's that? Just like you've rubbed an area of skin, but staying there.

I don't know why, I just thought 'blood problem' so I hurriedly looked up the symptoms of Leukemia and it said about 'pigmented rash-like spots' I have no idea what exactly that means.

My interpretation was the red skin thing I saw, but then I noticed these TINY, pin-prick sized BRIGHT RED things that look like they want to be moles but instead are bright red :(

Anybody notice these on themselves? Anything to worry about?

17-05-06, 13:46
I get them sometimes, don't know why, can be bruising or if you've lightly bumped an area. What about an allergy to something? Don't worry yourself too much, and don't look up symptoms on the Internet its very bad for you - there needs to be a health warning on it!!!!
Take care


'This too will pass'

17-05-06, 13:53
i have these. like really really small red dots things, bright red? had them ages and ages! no idea what they are, but other than anxiety, ive felt fine! so im guessing nothing wrong.

17-05-06, 13:58
Phew, thanks Wannabeloved85! :) Yep that describes them.

I know it's bad to look stuff up :( But it's just so easy to do when I'm on my own in here with a laptop.

I'm not sure if I bumped it, as it doesn't hurt. Maybe it wouldve hurt a couple of days ago and it's fading. Argh now I have to wait and hope for it to fade.

17-05-06, 14:28
Hi Guys,

My Mum gets these too. She's still alive and kicking. Well, she's alive, dont think I have ever seen her kick anything before.:)

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

17-05-06, 14:47
"I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life"

Dan - Love it really love it!!!!!! lol lol lol

That would be nice.

Hay x

17-05-06, 16:18
Also get this at times. Mostly seem to appear on my neck which is embarrassing as sure people think its a lovebite - am 33 so outgrown those some years back !!!

Nothing to worry about x

17-05-06, 16:55
Thanks :)

18-05-06, 16:27
I've got loads of them too. I once mentioned them to the doctor years ago and she told me what they are, but I've forgotten what she said - something to do with getting older and nothing to worry about. So don't worry.

17-06-06, 21:53
i read this topic a few days ago..and then all of the sudden i'm finding these things everywhere on my body! they are really small and im not sure if i just didn't see them before or if they are just now coming in...hmm who knows?

18-06-06, 02:07
i have these red things on the crease of my arm. i only ever get them threre and they come and go.

love mandiex

18-06-06, 08:59

I have these small red things on the top of my left arm.
They look like bright red small spots..!
I have had them for approx 6 months.


18-06-06, 11:23
Hi Boy we all get lumps, bumps, spots etc at some point so try not to worry. Maybe it's best not to look up every symptom you have because it just seemd to worry you more.
Try not to worry and I hope it clears up soon for you:D

Take care



18-06-06, 20:52
does anyone know what they are and why they come?

18-06-06, 21:07
I've got lots of these on my stomach and arms, doctor once told me you start to get them in your 30's. Saying that i have a large one at the nape of my neck which i'm now convinced has got bigger :(

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

18-06-06, 21:16
i'm only 18 is that weird that i have them??

18-06-06, 21:54
and im only 20! yet i have them!

19-06-06, 14:39
hey, its funny you posted about this, cos i saw this on another site a couple of days ago, i have a lot of these, seems like most people do. This is what the other site said:

Cherry angioma is the most common kind of angioma. It is also called a Senile angioma.

These are made up of clusters of tiny capillaries at the surface of the skin, and range in color from bright red to purple. When they first develop, they may only be a few millimeters across, but sometimes grow to a centimeter or more in diameter. As they grow larger, they tend to expand in thickness, and may take on the raised and rounded shape of a dome. Because the blood vessels comprising the angioma are so close to the skin's surface, cherry angiomas may bleed profusely if they are injured. For this reason, removal of a cherry angioma should take place under a doctor's care.

Aren't i a sad case giving you a scientific explanation!
Nothing to worry about though (and believe me i worry about everything)
Take care,

19-06-06, 17:24
thank you strawberrie :) that explanation will save me googling and coming up with anything else potentially life threatening.


Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects