View Full Version : Early waking, it's driving me mad.

19-09-11, 12:43
I can drop off to sleep ok (usually between 10.30 & 11.30pm), but I have started waking up at around 4.15am (it used to be 5am before this weekend) and then I can't get back to sleep.

After a few minutes awake I get a horrid tummy ache, my ibs I think, and the anxiety and feeling very sick starts. I also always have a horrible gnawing sensation in my upper abdomen, I take this to be hunger and have to eat before 7am as I feel even sicker otherwise.

I have some Temazepam, but even when taking one, I still wake at 4ish. I am fed up with feeling sick constantly and not sleeping, does anyone else get the same things? I feel so ill all the tome that it's getting me down.

19-09-11, 12:55
I do get the same as well, it's been going on for like 4 months...I have bad days and good days, the "good" days are not so good either but manageable. When I wake up at 5 ish the upper tummy gnawing pain gets worse and worse, then start feeling faint and naseous, sometimes I get the foggy head...and panicky, it drives me crazy.

19-09-11, 13:11
Sorry you're having trouble too Mendez, but also feel slightly relieved that I am not the only one to suffer in this way.

I had a mini panic this morning before taking my daughter to school as I felt so sick, but I pulled myself together and got her there. But I'm still feeling sick and on edge now and dreading it all starting again at 4am tomorrow.

I am getting a little better, but it's slow going. It doesn't help that I have a phobia of throwing up, so feeling sick is a particular fear of mine. I think the not sleeping well is making the nausea worse to be honest.

19-09-11, 13:32
Sorry you're having trouble too Mendez, but also feel slightly relieved that I am not the only one to suffer in this way.

I had a mini panic this morning before taking my daughter to school as I felt so sick, but I pulled myself together and got her there. But I'm still feeling sick and on edge now and dreading it all starting again at 4am tomorrow.

I am getting a little better, but it's slow going. It doesn't help that I have a phobia of throwing up, so feeling sick is a particular fear of mine. I think the not sleeping well is making the nausea worse to be honest.

Oh poor u, and it doesn't help when you have children because when u could have rested you have to do school runs, i have 3 sons too, 2 in school and 11 months old and I am telling its not easy but we will get there, things will get better just keep believing and hang in there.