View Full Version : just started back on the cits..

19-09-11, 13:12
Hi there,
it's been a while since I last took these, my dr has put me on 10mg (as I am seriously concerned about side effects whilst at work) and then I'll be stepping up to 20mgs and so on till I'm happy with the right dosage, I've only been taking them since Saturday but I am knackered & feeling pukey already!!!! Is this normal? nightmare..But i keep telling myself this'll be worth it in the long run!

19-09-11, 14:25
Hi I started back on cit on tues, started on 10mg and today gone up to 15mg, will go up to 20 in a couple of days! compared to the side effects i experienced last time with these it hasnt actually been to bad, i felt sick on them up till about day 4 i think, have had heightened anxiety and the at this precise moment ive got the shakes!! lol. Good luck,
Nicola xx

20-09-11, 08:48
Thanks Nicola, hope you feel better soon.

I just cannot stop yawning even though I don't feel over tired lol.
The joys....:doh:

20-09-11, 09:38
Hi, im also constantly tired which last time they had the opposite effect??? ive woke up feeling really really sick this morning (day 7, 2nd day of 15mg) :weep: just forced some toast down me, hoping it will pass soon!!!
Nicola xx